Let Me Explain

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Andi: Gary Gary (moans louder and louder and cums for Gary)
Gary: Shit Andi
Andi: You was the one that keep going
Gary: Yeah I was I really love you
Andi: You in love with this pussy boy stop
Gary: No I'm in love (Andi Gets dress and heads out)

Scene switches to the guys
Zac: You told her you love her?
Calvin's: Too soon like I'm feeling Sabrina but I would not tell her if I was in love with her this soon
Zac: Right
Maurice: Yeah he in love with the pussy
Gary: No Andi different
Preston: Would you marry her?(everyone looks at him)
Gary: I'm not turning my players card in this soon
Zac: He don't love her Cause I damn for sure ain't in love with Fatima
Maurice: You is
Preston: You is I saw his texts well it played in the car while I was riding with him he sprung
Maurice: She got me doing the dishes anything for some kisses.
Preston; Got me doing things I never do
Gary: You do You do
Aaron: I'm sprung
Zac: First all it's just the sex
Preston: Mad capping like Danni been acting funny with me
Maurice: She knows about you and Natalie
Preston: No she don't but how would you know?
Maurice: Well girls I'm have to school cause in this friendship I'm the girl and I tell the emotions you hurt her and you still ain't told her sham shame on you Preston
Zac: Be facts
Maurice: I have you told Fatima about Tonya at your house last night
Zac: Maurice yo bro code
Maurice: Girl code you mean
Zac: Whatever man just don't be snitching
Maurice: I won't tell you know me (later on that day Preston comes to Danni job)
Danni: Hey Preston
Preston: I text you and called you
Danni: I been busy but won't be able to go out tonight
Preston: Can we speak right quick(Karen walks up)
Karen: Danni go on you guys need talk I got this I finish braiding hair.(Danni and Preston get in the car and drive away)

Danni: So I saw you with that girl
Preston: Natalie?
Danni: I don't know her name Preston
Preston: It's my ex
Danni: Let me out the car
Preston: No we are going to talk because oblivious you have a problem
Danni: Your a liar I'm good on that  let me out Preston
Preston; Danni we had a son together
Danni: Wait what you never mentioned a child
Preston: He dead Danni she was drunk and they was in a bad (starts to cry)
Danni: Oh Preston
Preston: He was killed in a car accident and she always tried to guilt trip me into going back with her but she has not changed she broke my heart so many times with her choosing acholic over our relationship
Danni: You keep letting her
Preston: I honestly do because we have been together ten years she has a really bad problem I really do like you Danni
Danni: Will you break my heart?
Preston: I won't try to
Danni: Well I cant Preston Goodbye (gets out the car)

Later on that evening Fatima is out with the girls
Sabrina: Danni you good?
Danni: Me and Preston broke up
Fatima: Oh no I'm sorry (ring ring)
Karen: Is that Zac?
Fatima: Yeah hold on one
Sabrina: No it's girls not tell him no(Fatima looks at them)
Danni: Shit let her get her hit on for all of us
Andi: No Zac can wait oh wait Gary calling me too
Sabrina: See no ladies girls before bros no ignore them
Danni: Calvin calling it's okay
Sabrina: No we ain't taking no men's call ignore ignore ignore
Fatima: chill the Fuck out brina
Sabrina: Fatima no you know how I am
Danni: Girl fuck a sistas circle get your pussy penetrated
Fatima: That part

Fatima steps away to call Zac
Zac: Hey yo what are you doing?
Fatima: With the girls
Zac: Well can you come over I got pizza and wings your favorite
Fatima: Shit I will be there in 20
Zac: Bring that ass
(Fatima hangs up)
Sabrina: I know damn well you ain't leaving us Hoe
For Zac dick
Fatima: Hoe he got pizza and wings that's my weakness you know that
Sabrina: So call him back no ma'am we need you out ladies tonight
Fatima:Fine shit give me five minutes (Sabrina leaves and Fatima pulls out the vibrator)

The next day Fatima is at the salon and her ex pop up and wants to go to lunch she agrees.

Karen: No don't go girl
Danni: Shit everyone meeting ex's
Fatima: You are going with me so I don't know why you are tripping
Danni: Yeah I want to ask him why he broke your heart while I'm beating his ass
Fatima: That part Pooh but Zac called me he is upset I stood him up
Danni: You know we are your girls but stop letting your cousin Sabrina  distracted you from the prize that what
Karen: Dick
Danni: That part

Zac calls Preston
Preston: It has to be good explanation why she stood you up
Zac; No I'm hurt man Fuck love
Preston: Ask her man look I got go I'm about to go in here with Natalie to o therapy
Zac: That's your problem I can't wait until Karen get your ass about Danni
Preston: Look Danni and I are over and I'm just trying to help Natalie
Zac: You need to show her the door
Preston: Bye Zac
(Gary calls Zac)
Zac: Man I'm dealing with along Fatima stood me up
Gary;(laughing) It's her cousin Sabrina Andi told me
About her you got alot to deal with
Zac: What you mean
Gary: Talk to Sabrina and Fatima cause that's who you are dating
Zac: Wait what Is wrong with Sabrina
Gary: I won't tell you over the phone let's do lunch
Zac: Cool with me
(Zac continues to work and Aaron stops by)
Aaron: What's up man
Zac: Man Fatima stood me up
Aaron: Not you whining like a little girl 
Zac: Let's Karen do you like that
Aaron: It won't happen (ring from Karen)
Karen: Hey Aaron I can't go on a date tonight I got do something with my mommy I'm sorry I call you tho when I get home
Aaron: You standing me up
Karen: No Aaron was you listen
Zac: I told you girls full of Shit
Aaron: Man get out your feelings
Zac: Fatima stood me up now Karen doing it too you take your power back
(Fatima calls Zac)
Fatima: Hello you got something to say sir;?
Zac: You want to have dinner tonight?
Fatima: That's what I thought and sure I can slide thru

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