Meet the Ladies

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Zac and his brother Maurice are both successful black men. Zac owns a barbershop and Maurice is a producer. Preston is a successful lawyer and Gary as well then we have Aaron is a life coach and Calvin is very successful realtor.

Gary: (lifting weight) Man we we need go out tonight  I'm tired of staying in that big ass alone.
Zac: Chile men at least you have a house I been in this big ass condo I want MOVE
Preston: Shit I just want meet someone to lay up I don't care if she boring being single sucks
Maurice: Yup it does I ain't meet anyone since I moved here
Zac: Maurice bro fr tho it be easy for you can go to the gay club we can't find women that easy in Atlanta
Aaron: Yeah cause I been trying to get at this girl at my speaking convention but she is what not interested in me
Zac; Cause I know why?
Calvin: You corny Nigga
Zac: Thank you I'm talk to the next girl that walk in
(I'm walks Karen Sabrina Fatima Andi Danni and Pam they all get in the treadmill)
Maurice: Zac ain't that Karen from our old neighborhood?
Zac: Yeah I'm go holler at her
Preston: Shit she got friends
Gary: I know right I'm about to get a number
Zac: Don't be thrust Karen cool
(The girls see the guys)
Fatima: Yo Karen you know him?
Karen: (looks up) Oh Shit it's Zac
Fatima; Which one is?
Karen:(pointing) That one
Zac:(walks up) Hey Karan Hey Ladies
Danni: Zachary Taylor
Zac: In the flesh baby
Karen: Yup in the flesh what are you doing here?
Zac: I work out here this are my boys Preston Gary you know my brother Maurice Calvin and Aaron (Karen and Aaron lock eyes)
All the guys say Hey
Karen: Hey guys well this is my girl Fatima Andi Pam Sabrina and you know my cousin Danni
Ladies say Hey
Zac: What's up ladies Karen let me holler at you
Fatima: You need me come with you?
Karen: He ain't gone bite girl he cool I promise you
Fatima: Okay (Fatima looks at Zac and he looks at her he smiles and Fatima smiles back)

Zac: Thank God
Karen: What?
Zac: You thin your ladies would want go out tonight?
Karen: Zac I don't know we all pretty umm
Zac: Please Karen
Karen: Yeah if you do me a favor?
Zac: Name it?
Karen: Your friend Aaron he umm
Zac: Say less what about Fatima?
Karen: She just got of relationships so I don't know
Zac: Okay word (hugs Karen and they going about there business)
Fatima: Danni girl can I ask you something?
Danni: Yeah girl
Fatima: Does Karen and Zac got history?
Danni: Karen your best friend I know she would tell you just ask
(Later on that day Fatima and Karen are riding in the car)
Fatima: Can I ask you something ?
Karen: I need ask you something too?
Fatima: You first
Karen: Girl you brought up
Fatima: I think I like someone
Karen: Me too girl I am shocked I'm go for it
Fatima: Zac?
Karen: Hell no girl he dated my friend Belinda in High school she did him dirty I'm good on that he took me to prom we did not match week but I'm feeling Aaron I know it's too soon but I think he fine what you?
Fatima: Zac is fine girl why you don't want him?
Karen: Cause girl I saw how he looked at you and asked about you so I told him you just got out of relationship so yeah.
Fatima: Thanks girl you the best so we all going out tonight
Karen: Sabrina ain't
Fatima: Why not?
Karen: I don't know

Zac and the guys meet at Gary house
Gary: So Andi she fine I like her Preston who you going for?
Preston: Karen
Zac: Karen?
Aaron: Nawl I got Karen
Preston: I'm just joking I don't know Danni maybe
Zac: Danni is good people she is
Maurice: She is strong too
Zac: She is good lucky
Maurice: I'm not going out with you guys tho I'm stay in
Gary: Why?
Maurice: Cause you bitches is Thirsty
Zac: We ain't we gone have fun and you gone miss out
Maurice: Mhmm bye girl

Preston: Let's go (Zac Preston Gary Calvin and Aaron all head out to meet the ladies)

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