Chapter - 15

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Last night I gotta know so many things about Ryan and as well as Leonell. Leonell has a step brother named Liam. He loves him dearly and can burn the whole earth if it tried to harm him in anyway.

One thing's for sure that this Leonell isn't that bad towards the people he care about. Also I gotta know that Leonell doesn't like Lucy a bit. He thinks women are weakness and thinks Derek care less about him because of Lucy which I highly doubt because of the things I've heard about Derek did for Leonell.

I don't know whether Leonell will hurt me or not as Ryan said I'm his easy target being a human. I just hope I stay away from him my whole life. He doesn't sound like being a good influence to me.

As I was lost in my thoughts someone touched my shoulder from behind making me jump in surprise. I looked behind to see the owner of the hand and it was Erica and Roze. They smiled brightly at me and I returned it with same energy.

"What's up?" I asked them.

"It's been so long we hung out so why don't you come with us for a walk?"

"Walk? When did vampires needed for a walk?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well it's a walk for you and hunting for us. It's been so long we haven't hunt and now that you know about us I don't think Ryan will mind if we take you out with us."

"Oh okay lemme think about it." I played while putting a finger on my chin acting like I'm thinking deeply.

"Come on I know you're excited to see us hunting now don't act innocent." Roze said making my mouth gape at her boldness. And here I thought she's the shy one.

"Fine I'm coming. Lets go."

When I say they run fast I mean so so fucking fast. Like a bullet. Or even faster.

"Girls wait for me....huffff"

"Damn you human" Erica said and in a second she had me on her back. Fuck she's strong too. I wanna be one as well.

With that being said they both ran again with me on Erica's back.

We came to a stop under a tree and I got down to my feet.

"Will you wait here until we come from hunting?" Erica said.

"Wait. Aren't I suppose to watch you guys hunt?" I asked confusedly. How can I stay here in middle of no where with wild animals roaming around? I thought I'd stay with them that's why I agreed.

"Aren't you disgust with the sight of blood? Because Ryan told me so."

Damn I'd forgotten that. They're right I'll vomit with the sight of them sucking blood. Eww. "I'll stay" I said outloud.

"That's what we thought. Now wait here until we come back here and if you see any animal around you climb on tree. Ryan told us you can do that easily." What else had he told them? I thought.

With that they sprint out for hunting. All I now hope is I don't get feed by any animal by the end of the day.

It's been almost an hour I'm sitting on the branch of these mango tree using Wattpad to read my favourite novel 'The Devil's Angel' and there's no sign of Erica or Roze. Hope they're alright. Of course they will they're immortals after all. Silly me.

I was so lost in my thoughts suddenly heard of a cracking sound. Like someone stepped on dry leaf or branch. I turned around to see what's that but saw no one.

Okay now I'm terrified. What if it's a wild animal? Is it gonna attack me? I can't die now I've a reason to live. Ryan. Oh yeah Ryan. He can read my mind. I tried to call him. 'R-Ryan are you there? If you're please come to me I think I'm in danger.' I don't know if he can hear my thoughts through this distance or I'm praying for nothing. All I know is that's my last option. I don't have any network in this forest so yeah I'm stuck. Damn Eri Roze where the fuck are you guys?

Just then I heard another twing sound coming from behind me and this time a lot closer to me.

That's it I'm going to die.

I turned around again to see no one's there. Is my hunter playing hide and seek with me? I hope no. At least I would be prepared if I see it coming. Right?

'Ryan' I called him again. Fuck being a human. I can't read his thoughts.

Just then I heard another sound of someone stepping on a branch but this time it was from in front. I thought it's Erica or Roze so I jumped down and ran forward just to be stopped in horror. Because infront of me there's no Erica or Roze but a man. He looked young, tall, handsome in a dark manner. If I wasn't in love with Ryan I'd think he's my new crush. He has sharp jawline with slight stubbles. But I don't why I am not getting a good aura from him.

"Hello, Serra" he said making me froze.

"W-who are you?" I asked. Confused because I surely don't know this handsome hunk. I wouldn't have forgotten then.

"Haha you'll know that real soon dear." Now I'm definitely feeling something wrong in this situation.

"How do you know my name?"

"Oh I know a lot more than just your name. Like you're from India and here for further studies in fashion designing from the University of Alberta. You have a lover named Ryan and you're friends with the Deckers oh and your family lives in Ahmedabad. And a lot more things." I gulped at it audibly. Who the fuck is he?

"Who are you?" I asked this time more confidently.

"Me. People call me Dazer. Leonell Dazer."

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