Chapter - 9

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♡ RYAN's POV ♡

I love the feeling of her in my arms. She's hardly 5'3" infront of my 6'8" figure making her so small and petite. It makes me want to protect her from everything and with everything I have.

Watching this movie with her I wasn't focused on it my whole attention was on my babygirl. How can I focus on something else when this angel is lying on me her petite figure hugging me and her small arms surrounded the back of my neck.

She fell asleep in the fourth season and me being me watching her sleeping as a creep. I watched her so close that by now I can draw a sketch of her with my eyes closed. Creepy much I know but what can I say when it comes to my baby I can be anything.

She said she felt this connection with vampires but little did she knew she is meant to be with one of them. My cupcake was meant to be mine from the start.

I don't know how to describe it but when it comes to her I feel my once long ago stopped heart beating again in my chest. The way her cheeks gets red in shyness makes me want to take her right then and there. But I know she isn't ready for the mating process till now. Damn she isn't even ready to know who I am. That the person she's sleeping in arms of is a blood sucker Vampire. And has killed billions of people. Maybe their dids made it clear that they shouldn't be alive but who am I to decide whether to kill them or not. Yet I did and gave them a very cruel and painful death.

My baby doesn't know the person she's felling safe with is a killer. Murderer. And I don't know if she'd left me when she got to know or not.

Anyway it's the happiest day of my existence. She said she loves me. She said she was falling for me but it's too late she has already fallen. Damn I know it because I can hear every single thing she thinks. Perks of being the king of vampires as well as her soulmate. I know what you're thinking. Thay if I can read her like an open book why can't she. It's because she also can but she just doesn't know how to do it.

She is my equal and my entire existence doesn't mean a single penny without her.

I was a heartless monster without her. I had no control over my anger and it doesn't scared me at all. But now it does what if my anger got the best of me and I unknowingly hurt my angel. Though I would die a hundred death before laying a finger on her yet. I have anger issues and anyone with this problem can understand my tension.

All I know is when I first saw her I knew she'd be mine. And I had make sure she comes in my house to live. She met Sam who's a good friend of papa. Thankfully he's a gay or else I wouldn't have let him touch a single cell of her body. Though him being a male gay or not makes me angry whenever he takes breath the same air as my baby. But I know my girl is stubborn and need some independency. So I kept quite and let her do whatever she wanted.

Now she's livin' with me. All this one thousand and four hundred eighty years I don't know how I survived without her. Because now that I've gotten her I know I can't take a single breath without her presence. And I am loving it that way.

Her innocence, her scrunched up face when she looks so confused, he I-can-manage-myself-on-my-own face, her stubbornness, her surprised face when she sees something shocking is something I've come to love about.

I don't know when the darkness consumed me and I slept with this gorgeous princess in my arms after 1400yrs. And that too without any nightmare haunting me from my past deeds.

Next morning I woke up with something or someone nudging my chest. I slowly opened my eyes seeing my beautiful angel trying to wake me up. "Ryan let me go I need to freshen up" she said and after some argument she won and I let her get out of my grip. How can I not do something she wants. Even if it means her getting away from my arms.

I too got up and took myself into another bathroom while brushing my teeth and took a shower. Thankfully I had taken my jeans to wear but unfortunately forgot my shirt. I worr my jeans while going back to my room. To my surprise my girl was already out from washroom in nothing but my shirt. That made my dick hard as steel. Saluting my baby. Thank fully I wasn't it my towel as usual or else she would have known. That would've be embarassing.

Once I got over my thoughts I noticed her drooling over me. "Like what you see baby girl?" I smirked. And she blushed making me hard more if that's even possible.

 And she blushed making me hard more if that's even possible

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Hearing her dirty naughty thoughts made me go crazy. So before I take her against the wall I controlled myself and was ready to get out of room when she called me back. "Ryan, wait" oh the way my name rolls over from her tounge. And what else can make her do with that dirty little tounge. Control.
"You can't go out like that" she exclaimed making me arch one eyebrow upwards. "And why is that?" I asked getting curious for her reply. My kitten started to boss me around. I liked it. "Everyone can see this body of yours so no you can't go out like that" she said making me laugh out loud. Damn it's been an era since I had such a good laugh. " my kitten getting jealous?" I asked and when she replied quickly with a 'yes' made me surprise.

"You're MINE. And sorry to break it to you but I am really possesive of things and person belongs to me." She accepted making me shock as hell. Damn she couldn't be any more perfect. How can I not love my girl. Fuck she is meant to be MINE.

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