18. Needed to be Done

Start from the beginning

Reiner, Ymir, Bert, and Christa were waiting together in the courtyard along with the other trainees.

Soon it would be time to pick a division.

"Trainees, line up! Line up in front of the stage!" A higher up shouted.

The trainees began moving, following the man's directions.

"Line up before the stage!"

It was now night time.

Torches lit up the courtyard as the trainees stood at attention before the stage where Erwin was standing.

"I am Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps." Erwin introduced himself. "Today, you will choose a branch of the military. Putting it bluntly." He peered down at them. "I'm here to persuade you to join the Survey Corps. During their recent attack, you learned how terrifying the Titans can be, as well as how limited your own strength is."

Some of the trainees, including Armin and Mikasa stood blank-faced while others including Thomas, Mina, Marco, Jean, Sasha and Connie were staring nervously.

"However, that battle brought humankind closer to victory than ever before." Erwin said. "The key was Eren Yeager. By risking his own life, he's undoubtedly proven himself a great ally to humanity. With his help." He glanced to his right. "Not only did we stop the Titans' advance, but we've also obtained a key to discovering their true nature."

That grabbed the trainees' attention.

All of them had a surprised look on their faces.

"We believe that the basement of his old home in Shiganshina District holds answers about the Titans that even he doesn't know." Erwin said. "If we can reach that basement, we will find clues to ending this century of Titan domination."

Whispers picked up by his words.

"The basement?" Reiner said with surprise.

Bertolt was surprised too.

"We've already advanced that far?"

"If we learn what they are, we can end this!"

'No matter how much he needs recruits, I can't believe he's publicizing this information.' Armin thought. 'Or... does he have some hidden motive? What is the commander trying to smoke out?'

Erwin was looking around, observing the trainees' reactions. "We aim to reach the basement in Shiganshina District." He looked where Hange, Petra, and Mike stood with two other Scouts. "However, that requires us to retake Wall Maria. In other words, our objective remains the same. But with the Trost gate sealed for good."

At Erwin's nod, Petra and Mike unfolded the map and held it up for display.

"We'll have to take the long way around from Karanes in the east." Erwin said. "The four years we spent laying a route for a full-scale army have gone to waste. In those four years, more than sixty percent of the Survey Corps lost their lives. Sixty percent in four years. An insane figure."

Petra clutched the folded map in her hands with grim expression.

"Those of you who join us will participate in our excursion beyond the walls next month." Erwin said. "We expect thirty percent won't return. In four years, most will be dead."

Whispers had picked up once again.

"But those who make it through will become superior soldiers with a high survival rate." Erwin said.

No one looked eager to join.

"Now you know the discouraging facts. Any of you still willing to risk your lives, remain here." Erwin said.

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