Chapter Twenty: "The Moon"

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Matt finished cleaning up the table, barely listening to Anastasia whine about giving Nathan a present. He worked quickly to get as much of his normal chores done, while the Baron and his daughters dressed. He didn't want to leave Maisy and the other older servants with too much heavy lifting. He'd managed to get most of it done, before Maisy came to fetch him. Escorting him around the house to the carriage, she whispered to him. "Be careful. I don't know what the Baron is planning... but it can't be good." Taking a seat on the empty luggage rack, he comforted her with a small smile. "I'll be alright." Maisy kissed his cheek like a worried mother, adding softly. "That's for luck. I have a feeling you are going to need it." Matt smirked, grabbing a bar to steady himself as the carriage started moving. He waved to her until he could no longer see her, then leaned back to inhale the cool morning air. The weather was nice this morning and he soaked it in as much as he could. Just as he was starting to get uncomfortable from sitting on the bars for so long, they finally rode up to the gates of a lavish estate. The guards at the gate opened the iron gates to let them in and Matthew's heart sank the second he saw the name plate. Baronet Fairfield.

The carriage rode up the short driveway to circle around a stone fountain that had a naked man wrestling a water spewing dragon to the ground. The sight of it made Matthew sick. Was the Baronet making a subtle statement with it, knowing the King's sigil held a dragon? The carriage pulled to a stop before the worn grey stone, allowing Matt to stand up to look around. The Baronet had a nice house, but it was nowhere near the size of the Baron's. It was a two story mansion with what looked like a bay attic window in the center of a third floor that opened to the large roof. The entire roof was fenced off in beautiful stone railings that it almost mimicked a small castle. The red brick that made up the house was faded and in desperate need of a fresh paint job. Although, it somehow matched the Baronet's rustic style. All around the house was lush green flat land. Servants bustled around tending to the garden set around the base of the house. Some were painting the home or cleaning windows. There were even a few servants tending to what looked like rows of large cages set around the back of the house. Matt tried to get a better view of them, until the Baronet pushed open his large wooden twin doors and announced. "You made it. Excellent."

Gesturing to the house, he bowed his head and told the Baron and his daughters charmingly. "Forgive the mess. It's been a big project to repair. Though, I assure you. The inside is finished and much nicer to behold." Anastasia huffed, hiking up her pink skirt as she muttered out to the Baronet. "I should hope so. All these servants and it's not done. Shameful." The Baron cleared his throat as the Baronet's eyes drifted icily from her to him. Drizella looked over the house, then asked the Baronet coolly. "I don't understand... You have so many servants. Young servants. Why do you need ours?" The Baron grabbed her arm, leading her up the steps as he cut in shortly. "That's not of your concern, Dear. Come." The Baron glanced over his shoulder at the top of the steps, adding to Matthew sternly. "Matthew, do as the Baronet commands." Matthew opened his mouth, but the Baron turned on his heel and rushed inside. The Baronet watched them go inside, then slowly turned to lock his dark eyes on Matthew. Matt shifted uncomfortably as the Baronet slowly walked down to him. Matthew inhaled deeply to keep himself from running.

The Baronet raised a gloved hand to lift Matthew's chin a little, his eyes looking him over. Upon lowering his hand, the Baronet told him with a small smirk. "You look good in this light. Brings out your eyes. Come. Walk with me." Matthew felt like his legs were coated knee deep in mud. He moved slow and sluggish as he reluctantly followed behind the Baronet. The Baronet gestured to a distant building, practically bragging out to him. "You see that house there? I own it. My servants and guards live there." The Baronet moved on to walk around the house toward the cages. Matthew tensed when he saw the cages. The tall cages held large falcons that were marked as pets with leather eye covers and leather strings on their leg. The servants tossed in food for them as they ruffled their feathers and cawed at them. While in another caged enclosure were large hunting dogs that were aggressively snapping up the meat from their bowls. The Baronet ran a hand along one of the falcon cages, telling Matthew casually. "I breed and train falcons for knights. It's a job that I know well. Clever creatures. They are amazing at finding things... and people."

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