5. lost...almost

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tw : derogatory terms and mentions of blood

The car ride to school was in silence. A very very tense, electric awkward silence.

Both people were too angry to talk. Steve gripped onto the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white and Robin was subconsciously scratching around her wrists.

"Bye." Steve stopped at the school and gruffly muttered his farewell.

Robin just stepped outside, slammed the door and hurried away.

It was a stupid fight. Something about not washing the dishes or some bullshit.

But with Steve's pent up anger from the night before and Robin's uncontrollable hormones, it became an explosion of emotional venting.

Robin just wanted to put her head down and get the day over with.

Unfortunately, the basketball kids weren't going to let it her go that easily.

During lunch they confronted her.

"HEY! Fag!" Jason whistled over to her.

"What do you want." Robin muttered.

" We just wanted to see if the rumours were true."

Robin gulped

" Is 'Ms Gay Freak' over here not only sinning by snogging bitches, but getting knocked up as well?" Jason spat.

Robin remained silent.

The group burst out into malicious laughter.

Jason stepped forward, " probably too poor to get an abortion, am I right."

His minions cackled.

"Well don't worry we'll help you." He winked.

Before Robin could respond, she felt hard kicks slam into her body.

The only thing running through her mind was: I've got to protect the baby.

So she curled in on her stomach and shielded it with her arms.

She whimpered every time one of their kicks would land near her torso.

"Faggot!" Jason mocked before turning on his heel.

Suddenly Robin felt a stabbing pain in her stomach and something soak her pants. She took one look at it and gagged. Blood.

She needed Steve. She needed Steve.

So with a shaky hand she reached out to her phone and dialled his number.

The stabbing pain got worse.

"Steve Harrington, how may I help you!" His voice was cheery.

"S-steve,"Robin croaked.

"ROBIN?! Shit. Are you okay?!" Steve voice grew frantic.

The girl only responded in a cry of pain.

"Shit.shit.shit," You could hear a door slam and an engine start, " I'm coming babe. What's happening?"

"Something's. Wrong. With. Baby. Blood," Robin took laboured gasps between her words as everything started spinning.

Steve's heart plummeted, " J-just stay awake for me baby."

"I love you dingus," she slurred.

Steve was in the biggest panic, " I love you too shithead."

Robin almost lulled to sleep when she felt two arms wrap around her.

"Steve's on his way Robin," Nancy wheeler softly spoke, before she spotted something, " Speak of the devil."

Steve Harrington, hair messed up, eyes blown wide, skin deathly pale was sprinting over to Robin's lump of a figure like a lunatic.

He felt like crying, throwing up and murdering at the same time. Gashes and bruises scattered her body and a huge patch of blood stained her pants.

A flicker of rage rose in his chest, but he was forced to extinguish it. For Robin.

Robin's eyes prickled as the pain got worse.

Steve gently scooped her up and ran to the car while tossing his keys at Nancy, " You drive, I'll be at the back with her."

So that's how they found themselves: Nancy driving to the hospital like a madwomen, while Steve rubbed Robins stomach and held her hand.

Suddenly, Robin screamed, clutching her stomach as the most horrible pain stabbed her.

A tear slipped from Nancy's eye and she gripped the wheel tighter.

Steve was horrified and started muttering prayers under his breath.

"I don't wanna die," Robin pleaded.

Steve opened his mouth to respond, but Nancy skidded into the hospital parking lot and sloppily parked the car.

Before they knew it, Robin was carried away leaving Nancy and Steve in the waiting room, fearful and alone.

Steve buried his face in his hands.

Dear Lord, don't kill either of the innocent souls.


After hours of waiting, finally a doctor walked into the room, "Family of Ms Robin Buckley."

Steve shot up from his chair and Nancy slowly rose.

They followed the doctor to an office like room, "Sit down."

Steve ignored his instruction and burst out, " How is she? how's the baby?"

"Steve," Nancy hissed, but he ignored her as well.

The doctor just chuckled, " She and her baby are fine."

Steve sighed in relief and slumped in a chair.

"But the amount of stress she was under almost lead to a miscarriage which could have killed both of them. Not to mention that beating she bared. We have already phoned the police, they will be here soon-"

The doctor was interrupted as Hopper and Joyce busted into the room.

They both had murderous expressions etched on their face.

"Let me take you to her room." the doctors face was grim.

The doctor led the party to Robin's hospital room and Steve couldn't stop worrying.

As soon as they entered they heard Robin's sobs ricochet off the walls.

"I'm so sorry. So so sorry. I'm so dumb. I almost lost the baby. I could've fought them off. I could've protected the baby more. I'm sorry you guys had to come and save me-"

Robin's rambles were cut short by a fierce hug from Steve.

"Shut up! We love you so so much Rob. We would walk to the end of the earth for you. Never ever, ever say that you are a burden." Steve's voice had gone all wobbly, " I thought I lost you, shithead."

Joyce silently walked closer to the bed and started stroking Robin's hand, " You poor girl, the world won't just give you a break."

Nancy and Hopper watched from a distance.

Nancy's face held no emotion whereas Hopper's was turning red by the second.

He strutted up to Robin and gruffly demanded, " Who did this to you!"

Robin flinched away slightly before murmuring, " Jason and his team."

And just like that, pure rage snapped back in Steve, he made a beeline for the door, but Hopper stopped him.

" I'll take care of it son." Hopper's eyes matched Steve's: full of fury and revenge.

Nodding slightly the younger boy walked back to Robin, and Hopper exited the room.

Whoever did this to her was gonna pay.

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