Poem #1

16 1 0

Honestly I'm running out of words

I feel I'm repeating myself over and over again

Every time I loose hope

You increase it

I hate that

Honestly I hate how my mind responds to you

Small things make go all weird

It's like I've never made progress

I want to just unravel all these emotions and throw them away

I'm tired of feeling this way

I'm tired of writing unorganized thoughts

I'm tired of having hope and imagining

I'm tired of waiting with open arms

I jump away from reality

How am I going to stop drowning

I wanna kill this hope I have

I wanna move on

Leave these cheesy feelings

Go back to my old self

The one who had walls

And the one who was safe from these feelings

How I feelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora