Part 3: The Choice

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Zelda took a deep breath of the cool afternoon air as she stepped out onto the balcony above the front courtyard. It had been a productive day, and though she still had a fair amount to do, she was still pleased with everything they'd already managed to accomplish.

First thing that morning she'd met with the high counsel again, where she finally showed them Tarek's letter, and told them the planned to marry. She explained her reasoning as well as the delay in responding, and asked them for their approval. They all gave it of course – ecstatically, in fact – after which they'd set to work discussing all the details. The royal scribe was sent for, along with the Folstrom messenger, and together they spent most of the morning the discussing terms, drafting the papers, and making arrangements. Once everyone was happy, both the kingdom alliance contract, and the marriage papers were signed and sealed, and the messenger left for Folstrom, accompanied by a Hyrulean royal escort.

Zelda knew the messenger and his escort had likely been seen by everyone in town as they left, and by now the rumors would be spreading like fire, but she didn't mind. The announcement would be made soon enough, and until then, they could gossip all they liked.

She sat down on the balcony railing, hoping to find at least a little of the relief that usually came with finishing a difficult task, but all she could feel was tension. Her most difficult task was still ahead of her, and though she'd put it off all day, the time had come and she could avoid it no longer.

She had to talk to Link.

She'd hoped to be able to talk to him when he came to see her after arriving back to the castle that morning, but it was nearly the dinner hour and he'd not yet come to see her. But of course, that was understandable – or so she'd tried to convince herself – after all, she'd been behind closed doors with the council most of the day, and he would not have wanted to interrupt.

Not that meetings or closed doors had never kept Link from her side in the past...

But she shook her head, ignoring the thought. He may not have come to see her yet, but surely he wasn't avoiding her... was he? No, it had to be something else.

Please let it be something else...

Swallowing wave of dread, looked back into the corridor for the guard she'd called for. He'd not arrived yet, but that was good, as it would give her a few more minutes to ready herself. She'd not planned her words before talking to Link the night before, and she wouldn't be making that mistake again. This would need to be properly done, and fumbling for words on the spot would not be appropriate. All she had to do was keep calm, remain focused, and not lose her nerve when she looked into his eyes...

With a huff, she turned away from the corridor, scolding herself as her cheeks began to warm. She couldn't think about any of that, not now, and certainly not when Link arrived. She had to keep her mind on the task and not get distracted. Never mind the feeling she got when their eyes met... or when he smiled at her... or when he told her he loved her...

Her hands began to tremble in her lap, but she clenched her fists against the tremors. It was done, the decision was made, and she would not change her mind now.

But what would he say?...

It worried her that she didn't know. She knew Link better than anyone, and could usually predict what he would say or do in any situation with near perfect accuracy. But this was different. The position she was about to offer him would put him in command of the entire kingdom. It was more than a new duty, but would be a completely new lifestyle for him. He was more than capable of course, but would he want to? And what if he didn't? What would she do then?...

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