Panic at the shower

Start from the beginning

I moved under the water and rinsed my hair quickly before rushing out of there leaving him confused, I grabbed my phone and locked myself in our bedroom to call Taehyung


"He fucked someone"


"He has scratches all over him" I suddenly couldn't breathe, I began gasping and trying to get air into my lungs

"Yoongi, hey, listen to me! Breathe in, follow my breathing! In…..and out……..and out" my eyes were watering and the tears were slipping down my face as I gasped and tried to follow his instructions "You're okay Yoongi, you hear me? You're okay. I'm here, I'm with you right now and you need to do as I say and breathe"

"I can't Tae" I sobbed and covered my mouth to muffle the noise as my whole being fell apart and I collapsed naked on the floor

"I'll come pick you up right now if I have to. Get dressed, tell him you've gotta go to the office. Where is he?"

"Th-the shower"

"Hurry then" I heard his keys "I'm on my way. I won't hang up" I listened to him get in his car, I found the strength to get up. I put on a shirt, a pair of underwear, and a pair of sweats. I knocked on the bathroom door


"Going to the office, emergency with the Walters"

"I love you!"

I turned and ran out of the house, I made it outside just as a car speeding slammed on their breaks and swerved to park at the curb "its me, get in"

I hung up and got in on the passenger side, I instantly broke down and continued crying as Tae took off driving again. He put his hand on my knee and patted  it, trying to help me calm down. My whole world was crumbling at my feet. I had accepted that he'd been cheating with Taehyung. I had accepted that he's no longer a part of my life. But to see it in my he didn't even care that I could see someone else's marks on his skin.. I felt ruined.

I calmed down a bit as we arrived at his apartment and a quick thought entered my mind. I looked over at Taehyung and furrowed my brows, before he could get out of the car I grabbed his arm "what?" He looked up at me confused

"At my house?"

"What do you mean?" He looked confused

"You knew where I lived Taehyung" realization spread across his face as he looked away from me

"Again, I'm sorry. I didn't know he was lying to me"

I shook my head and got out of the car. I should have known. Wonho is nothing but a slimy fucking cunt and we're stuck in his web of fucking lies for four more days. I had a new anger inside of me that I'd never felt before. I wanted to light the whole city on fire and watch it burn to the fucking ground. How. Fucking. Dare. He.

In MY home that I bought that I pay for with MY money, in MY fucking bed.

"I'm going to kill him" I mumbled as I stomped my way up to Taehyung's apartment

"That's illegal babe" he sighed

"I don't fucking care. I want him gone Taehyung"

"And he will be. In four more days we'll have him on his knees begging for forgiveness as we throw him in the trash like he did with our hearts"

"It's not enough" I shook my head as I followed him into his apartment "it's never going to be enough. For all I know he fucked that person in my bed too!!! How many fucking people were keeping my fucking bed warm with him while I've been working my ass off for him?" I was screaming as I stood in his living room, he just stood there and watched me

"How many fucking people did he take out to dinner on my fucking dime? How many fucking lavish vacations have I paid for and never fucking enjoyed? How many designer bags has he handed out like fucking candy on Halloween THAT I FUCKING PAID FOR!" I gripped my hair in my hands and gasped for air "I GAVE HIM EVERYTHING!!! I'VE DONE EVERYTHING HE'S EVER FUCKING ASKED OF ME!!!" I let out a shrill scream and knocked over a lamp that shattered on the floor "HE FUCKING RUINED ME! HE USED ME FOR EVERYTHING I FUCKING HAD!!" I picked up a vase and smashed it to the floor "I GAVE HIM EVERYTHING" I fell to the floor on my knees and sobbed, my chest hurt so bad and the noises escaping my throat didn't even sound human as I wailed in pain "I gave him everything" I sobbed as I buried my face in my hands 

"Come on" Taehyung knelt beside me and grabbed my arms gently "up off the floor, come on. I've got you Yoongi" he carefully helped me to his bed as I continued to cry "it's okay, you're going to be okay I've got you hmm?" He laid down beside me and pulled me into his chest, I gripped his shirt in my fists as I continued to cry. He rubbed my back and tried soothing me "ssssh it's okay now, you're okay. I'm here and I've got you. It'll be okay. He can't hurt you anymore. Never again, I promise" he kissed my forehead and pulled back to brush some tears from my face "he'll never hurt you ever again. Five more days and we're free right? That's all. Just four more sleeps. Close your eyes, sleep, and then only three more sleeps. And in the meantime? I'm here alright, and I'm gonna make sure nothing happens"

I fell asleep in his arms, whimpering and trying to stop hiccupping as the tears finally dried on my cheeks.

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