HIM : Chapter 2

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            How can someone be so perfect? He is. Both interior and exterior. His talent can never be beaten by anybody. "Kithnaa talent hai" Haha. I'm impressed day by day. The way He speaks, The way He walks, The way He holds the mobile while on call, The way He puts lil steps, The way He smiles, The way He smells, The way He writes, His hand writing, His voice, The way He sings, His taste in films, songs, food an exotic one I've ever seen. My heart belongs to Him. He is My Hosanna. He is a pro in every field. I see a new Him everyday. I felt love for the first time.

            Architecture, Computer, Films, Art, Music and it may add up. These are the only stuffs I know. So fine. I think I am simping for Him. Let it be. An Art which was missed by His parents. I wanna be His everything. And He's been My everything. Eventhough it is for short time, I'm blessed. I lived a life which couldn't be forgotten forever. He made Me feel like.... Is this the feel when We are in love.? To be loved is a blessing. And I'm blessed. Eventually it ended in a tragedy.
I missed the blessing I got. He is the light in My darkness. Words can't explain how I feel. Could You?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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