Let The Truth Sting

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Anna's POV

"Duquette, just the doctor I wanted to see." Dr. Webber says as he walks over to me as I fill out a patient chart at the nurse's station

"Good morning, Dr. Webber." I say with a warm smile

"What can I do for you, sir?" I ask

"I know you were a little upset you had to share interns with Meredith--" He starts

"Oh, sir. I'm fine." I tell him

"Please. I couldn't wait to have my own interns. You were disappointed, Dr. Duquette, don't cover that up." He tells me

"Okay, ya got me. I was a little disappointed, sir." I admit

"Well, we had a few latecomers to the program and I'm pleased to tell you, you now have your own interns. They're getting dressed now." He tells me

"Are you serious?!" I ask excitedly as he sets pit four pagers, four trauma protocol booklets, and four phone lists on the nurse's station

"Here's their names." Dr. Webber says before I take the list of names from him

"Thank you so much, sir." I say with a big smile before he walks away from me, and my interns walk over to me and I wipe the smile from my face

"I have five rules. Memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up, I already hate you. That's not gonna change." I tell them

"Trauma protocols, phone lists, pagers. The nurses will page you. You answer every page at a run...a run. That's rule number two." I tell them before they all quickly grab one of each as I walk away from them and they hurry after me

"Your first shift starts now and lasts thirty-six hours. You're grunts, nobodies, the bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, you write orders, you work every second night until you drop, and you don't complain." I say as we reach the on-call room

"On-call rooms. Sleep when you can, where you can." I tell them before I realize this is the on-call room where Alex and I had sex in that one time

"Oh, god." I mutter as I let out a soft laugh before clearing my throat and regaining my composure

"Rule number three, If I'm sleeping, do not wake me unless a patient's actually dying. The dying patient better not be dead when I get there, because not only will you have killed someone, you will have woken me for no good reason. Are we clear?" I ask before the blonde intern raises her hand

"What?" I ask her

"That was four rules. You said five." She says

"Rule number five...when I move, you move." I say before my pager goes off

"I'm with plastics today. Which means you are, too." I say as I exit the On-call room and they follow me


"You're playing favorites again." I say with a small smile as I see Mark waiting for me at the nurse's station

"You're nicer to look at than the others." He says with his famous smirk as my interns and I reach him

"Who's the audience?" Mark asks me as he nods toward my interns

"They're my interns." I whisper to him

"No way." He whispers with a proud smile

"Yes, way!" I whisper with a big smile as we all head into the patient's room

"Oh, Joanne, this is why you and I need to get sick, these doctors." Elaine says as she stares at Mark

"One's more handsome than the next." Joanne says before Dr. Webber walks into the room

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