Chapter 30 | Explanations |

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    Okay, let me explain. Me and Finn were careless, yes, but I think, I think I had a good plan. I was unstable, no way around it. If I got into one of my states and I couldn’t get out of it, it could be just as bad for the baby as going into war. And still, I’m a demigod! Going into war would probably be better than just sitting around. Besides, if I told someone and had to stay back, the stress of knowing Finn was in the Capitol and he could be killed and have no way of knowing could be just as bad as getting shot or something.

    The day we shipped out, we were taken to twelve on a hovercraft and from there, we took a long train ride and then a six hour long trek, walking along the green paint line so we didn’t blow up. Please, ignore my sobbing. Most of the Capitol’s aircrafts were destroyed, so we weren’t at any risk on the train station.

    After three days, we’re bored as hell. All we’ve been doing is shooting colorful glass. And whenever we do need an actually sharp shooter, it’s never me, Finn, Gale, or Katniss. One time, Nico got so bored that he threatened to send…someone to hell. I forget who. Don’t judge.

    During one of three days, I got nauseous when we were shooting some glass, so Finn had said I should head back to camp and relax, and no one wanted to argue with him, so I did. A little bit after, Nico joined me.

    “So…” He said, “How long are you gonna hide the fact that you’re pregnant?” I chose a bad time to take a long sip of water and I spat it out on Nico. “Okay, eww.” He said, wiping off the water uselessly.

    “How did you know?” I hissed at him, and he gave me a look.

    “One; you’re my best friend. Two; I’m the son of Hades. I can sense souls.” Nico said, and I bit my lip.

    “Please, don’t tell anyone.” I begged, and he nodded stiffly.

    “Okay…but you have to tell Finnick. He’s obviously the father of the baby.”


    “Shut up, Aria. It’s not funny.”

    I groaned, and Finn came back a little bit later. “Hey, how’re you feeling?” He asked, and I made a face.

    “I’m fine, Finn.” I said, and he just rubbed my back.

    “I know, my love. I just like hearing it.” He said, kissing my cheek.

    Nico sent me a look and made a vomiting noise. “I’ll be right back.” He said, and I sighed.

    “Finn, there’s something I need to tell you…” I said, and he smiled at me.

    “It’s okay, Ari. I love you and I love you fighting alongside me. I just love knowing you’re safe.” He said, and I sucked in my breath.

     “I’m…” I trailed off. I couldn’t tell him. Not after what he just said. Not just yet at least. “I’m just so happy I’m married to such a wonderful man.”

    “I thought you married me.”

    I laughed and kissed him. “I did marry you. I still can’t believe it.” I said, and he kissed me again.

    On the fourth day, Leeg two (One of the soldiers from thirteen) stumbled upon a mislabeled pod and a swarm of poisonous darts were activated. One of them hit her skull before we could do anything. We were promised a replacement and the next day though.

    That night, I lied right next to Finnick. “Finn,” I whispered, and I could instantly recognize his sea green eyes. “Finnick, do you…do you really believe that we won’t ever leave each other? Like if one of us dies in this war…” I started to get worked up, and Finn’s arms fastened around me.

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