✩ Chapter 9 | Goodbyes with Guest Stars Dark Dude and Sunshine Boy | ✩

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    I stood, frozen, for a moment before Kendra tapped my shoulder. I stepped forward a bit, but then I froze again. "Aria, sweetheart, where are you?" Pearl said, and then I made eye contact with Finn. I felt a sudden surge of courage. I walked up, with a courageous smile on my face.

    "And now for the boys!" She did the same with the other bowl, and then she strolled back to the microphone. "Austin Jones!" Pearl announced. Whatever courage I had vanished the second I saw Austin's face. I couldn't go into the games with Aussie.

    When Austin walked up and Pearl announced for us to shake hands, he took my face in his hands and kissed me. "Well, I guess that'll do. Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!"

    We're escorted to the peace building for the goodbyes. When the doors open, Jayla and Vera launch themselves into my arms. "Oh, Aria, honey, you must be so proud." Lora said, joyously. "Oh, I can't believe one of my daughters is going to be a Victor!"

    "Lora, I am not going to be a Victor. Austin is." I insisted, and Lora gaped at me. "No no no, I can't lose my daughter." Lora muttered, her eyes watering. "Well, um, technically she's not your daughter. We can adopt another daughter." John tried, and both me and Lora snapped. "She's my daughter, even if she has none of my blood! We could never get another Aria, just like how we can't have another John or Clark!" Lora snapped as whatever was holding me strong inside snapped inside me. Imagine your parents didn't want you, and you were sent to some other dimension or something and one of the two people who took you in said they could easily replace you.

    "Aria, sweetheart, do what you can to make it back to us. I know you want Austin to win, and that's alright. Just know we love you." Lora said, and she hugged me. "Thank you for being the family I never had." I whispered, and I hugged them all, and they were gone. I was never going to see them again.

    Kendra and Annie were next. "Aria!" Kendra yelped, throwing her arms around me. "This must be horrible! Going into the games with your lover!" I let out a choked sob. I may not be Austin's genuine lover, but he still was one of my best friends. "Oh no! Don't cry! You'll be viewed as weak!" Annie shrieked, and I laughed a bit.

    "Oh, Ken, can I borrow your makeup?" I asked, and she stared at me wide eyed before handing me her dark pink pocket book. I made it look like I had never been crying. That I had no emotion.

    I handed Kendra her makeup back, and Annie jumped up. "Before I forget, here's this! I forgot my sandals on the beach, so I went back to grab them and I found your bracelet. It must've slipped off your wrist." She said, pulling my trident bracelet out of her pocket. "Omigod, I was looking all over for that this morning! Thank you, Annie! I thought it was gone for good!" I slipped it on my wrist and tightened it more. And then something switched in my mind.

    "Hey, Kendra, can you take my earrings and give them back to Lora?" I asked, and she nodded. "Of course." She muttered, taking the earrings, blinking tears from her eyes.

    "I have a question. Why are you so dressed up? Everybody else dresses way plainer than that." Annie said, and I smiled to myself. "Oh, Lora is a clothing designer. How did you forget?" I said, jokingly. Lora was one of the best clothing designers, and most of her designs actually go to the Capitol. That's how we have so much money. John ran a clothing shop so that's how they met.

    "Okay, I know you're totally going into a fight to the death, but you look amazing! And those shoes! God, they are awesome on you!" Annie said, and I grinned. "I know! These shoes are really working for me!" We spent the rest of the time just talking about normal girl stuff which was good. All of my desire to sob disappeared.

    When they were forced to leave, I was stuck inside the room for the rest of the time doing nothing until I was finally taken to the train. The second I stepped on, Finn wrapped his arms around me. "RiRi..." He croaked out, stroking my hair. Suddenly, I felt the selfish need to be the one who wins instead of Austin.

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