♛Chapter Five | The Final Show down...Plus Final Eight Interviews | ♛

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    I woke up to Lora shaking me awake. "Aria, honey, wake up. Some people from the Capitol are here to take you for the final eight interviews." She said, and I snapped up. "Oh, you must be Aria! You look prettier than Finnick could ever say. I'm Pearl, and I'll be taking you to the Capitol! Aren't you just thrilled?" Pearl squealed, taking my wrist, and pulling me out the door. "Darling, you're a mess! What have you been doing?" Pearl shrieked, playing with my knotty hair. "I've just been watching the games..." I mumbled, swatting her hands away. "Oh, they've been riveting so far! I always could tell Goldie and Aaron were in love. They're so perfect together! I was devastated when Goldie died." Pearl sighed, and I held back in an eye roll. "Oh, yes." I lied. "Such a tragedy."

    We arrived at the Capitol a short while later since we only had to go through District One  to get there. Pearl ushered me with Finn's parents and one of Finn's other friends, Austin, up to the rooms where they dress up the tributes for the interviews and the tribute parade. They took Mr. and Mrs. Odair and Austin, and left me there. "Now, Aria, this is Pixie. She was Donna's stylist, so she'll dress you up all nice for the interviews. And this was Donna's prep team, Joan, Dianne, and Lou." She said, and she gestured to the four behind her. Pixie had purple hair and blue highlights and ridiculous amounts of makeup. She had on this ridiculous short flowy purple dress. "Alright! You three get to work!" Pixie said, and she waltzed into the other room.

    The three immediately got to work. Lou brushing through my messy hair, Dianne tending my nails, and Joan stripping my clothes and beginning to wax me. "Why do I have to be waxed?" I asked as she yanked off one of the strips. "Because, honey, if Finnick wins the games chances are you'll be seen in the cameras more, so might as well give you a good foundation. You are gorgeous by the way, sweetheart. We probably don't need to do much." Joan explained, and I nodded.

    After about an hour, they deemed me ready to go to Pixie. I slipped on a robe on my tingling skin, and stepped into the other room. "Hello, Aria." I jumped and looked at Pixie. "You're a beautiful girl. Finnick's a handsome young man. Together, you'll have some power here. You can get some sponsors for him if you play his helpless friend." She studied me, and spotted the heart necklace and my trident bracelet. "What are these?" She asked, taking hold of my necklace. "Th-they're from Finn." I mumbled, stepping back from her. "Aww, how sweet!" She said, and pulled me over to the table. "Now this is the dress I want you to wear, and put on these heels." She said, setting the dress and ridiculously high white heels. "Now, put them on." She ushered me behind the privacy curtains.

    I slipped on the dress and it flowed to my knees. I struggled to zip it up on the back so I called Pixie to help me. She helped me with the heels, and I practiced walking in them so I didn't fall over during the interview. "Wonderful! Wonderful, darling! You look wonderful! Now, go rock them with your wonderfulness." Pixie said, hugging me slightly. "I will." I said, semi-confident. "Wonderful!" I think that I hate that word now.

    I stepped out shakily, now that Pixie wasn't supporting me now. When I opened the door, I spotted Mr. and Mrs. Odair, all dressed up. "You look beautiful, Aria." Mrs. Odair whispered, and she stroked my hair a bit. Mrs. Odair had always wanted a daughter, but after Finn was born, she got into an accident that left her unable to have any more children. Then when Finn became friends with me when I was five and he was seven and I was never really close to Lora, she sort of adopted me as her daughter. I remembered one time when I was waiting on the porch waiting for Finn, I heard her lecture Finn through the door. "If you were to ever marry Aria, you better be the best man to her. Behave like a gentleman and listen to her. Let her make all the major decisions-" Finn had started to interrupt her at that, but she shushed him. "No, Finnick, you let her make the decisions or she'll have your head." I nearly laughed at that, but where had that junk of Finn marrying me come from?

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