The most definitely did.

Miss Rye sat around one of the large, white tables, with the rest of the faculty. Robin wasn't the greatest fan of her. Quite often, she seemed to be disingenuous and Robin couldn't stand people like that. This was the first of many reasons as to why she and Gordon Shakespeare didn't get along.

He was an absolute ass. There was no other way to say it. Robin didn't like any of Paul's friends from drama school, and that included the dreaded Jennifer who broke his heart.

Even if he has been such a misery ever since she left, he would be better off in the long run. It was one of those things. It was just going to have to hurt for a little while.

"Here's to a five-star review of the St Bernadette's nativity directed by Paul Maddens and Robin Harper." Miss Rye called out, clinking their coffee cups together. "Cheers."


Robin joined in at first, and then left as soon as she didn't have to be involved. Paul was sitting alone on the small blue sofa, anyways.

She flopped down next to him, flinging her head back dramatically. Paul took one look at her, and his straight face broke. Robin grinned too. It just seemed to be easy with him.

❄️ 🎄 ❄️

Jamie Harper had taken it upon himself to introduce Mr Poppy to Mr Maddens' class. His initial thought process had been simple: the better aquatinted they could be, the easier the job. It hadn't been done with malice in any way- he just didn't seem to understand all of the work that went into it all.

It was easy to get all of them in, especially as it was his younger brothers class. (Though, Matt had made him promise a whole bar of chocolate in his favour, one of the massive ones.)

And they loved him. Mr Poppy was a hit with them, and very quickly, he was wrapped around their little finger.

They ended up singing loads of songs to get acquainted. One of the favourites, however, seemed to go in for an age.

"When Susie was a child, a child Susie was. She said Miss! Miss! I can't get this! I got my knickers in a right old twist! When-"

That was when Mr Maddens walked into the room. He saw what was happening and stopped in his tracks. There was a strange man with one of his godsons, singing with his class. It seemed like a weird fever-dream.

Paul marched over to the man, and leant down. "Who are you?"

"Mr Poppy." He stood up from his crouching position, sort of nervously.

"Yes, what are you doing here, Mr Poppy?"

"Oh, I'm... I'm your teaching assistant."

"Right..." Mr Maddens wasn't convinced in the slightest. "And what are you doing here Jamie?"

The Harper boy smiled sheepishly, and shrugged. "Singing?"

He shook his head. "Go back to your mum."

Jamie agreed, patting his brothers head as he passed by. "I will go do that."

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