Movie night with the Avengers (oneshot)

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a/n: this is more of a oneshot, it wasn't going to be but here we are!

You turn around and to your surprise Peter has set the microwave on fire. Steve quickly grabs the extinguisher and puts it out, "Pete, you know you're not supposed to use kitchen appliances unsupervised." You say jokingly and he gives you the finger in response.
"STEVE DID YOU SEE THAT?! SPIDERBOY JUST SWORE AT ME." Steve gives you a stern look that screams annoyance and walks out with his salad.

"How are you an Avenger, you can't even make popcorn without burning the compound down" you tease Peter
"July 27th last sum-"
"LA LA LA LA LA" you cover your ears with your hands. A horrible day that was. The guys haven't stopped talking about it since. "Truce?" you say to peter with pleading eyes and he nods,
"truce, if you agree to tell Mr Stark that this was Pietro's fault.." you put your hand out and shook on it.

As Peter and yourself go into the movie room with a fresh bowl of unburnt popcorn that you made using an old popcorn maker you'd found, everyone looks up.
"What took you guys so long?!" Clint snickers as he takes a handful of popcorn, "oh you know us, always losing track of time by talking" you nodded in agreement.
"Totally off topic but we need a new microwave." you say to Tony
"what did you guys do." He spat out
"WE.." you say using your hands to gesture between Peter and yourself "..didn't do anything!" and Peter adds on, "Pietro set the microwave on fire, he sped away before i could confront him."
Peter is a horrible liar.
"I know you're lying Parker, your voice goes all high and squeaky when you lie. Luckily for you i'm a billionaire, I can buy a new microwave. It's coming out of your allowance though." Peter looks perplexed at this,
"Mr Stark I don't have an allowance-"
"exactly." Tony says back.

You both placed the popcorn bowls on the table and took your places in your seats. "What're we watching tonight?" Kate asks with a mouthful of popcorn
"13 going on 30!" Bucky says and everyone looks at him with looks of amusement "REALLY?!" Sam says, "Bucky if i have to watch one more romcom with you.." Bucky just shrugs.
"I like that movie, Matt is kinda cute" Natasha says with a flirtatious tone in her voice
"..he looks so much like Bruce it's uncanny" you say while raising an eyebrow at her,
"he's a handsome fella" Bruce shrugs and everyone laughs at him.
"I think we should watch the Truman show" Loki voices and everyone comes to an agreement.
"I've always felt like him you know, like i'm in some sort of movie" you didn't mean to say that out loud but you did and everyone looked at you dumbfounded
"you're funny" Scott laughed a little. you brushed it off and settled into your seat as the movie started.
"If I ever had a movie made after me i'd want that RDJ guy to play me" Tony said as everyone's attention was focused on the movie, everyone burst out laughing,
"you're all so mean to me." Tony said with a frown and dramatic effect.

You all watched the movie and had a good time, it really messed with your head.

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