Party with Pedro

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You're on the couch sitting next to Pedro, Oscar and Elvira are on a couch opposite them and there are many other celebrities around the four of you having conversations as music plays in the background.

It's about 11pm and you're tired, you're not that close to Pedro, there's a good amount of space between you both . Pedro and Oscar are laughing about something as per usual and you feel your head starting to lean to the side as you struggle to stay awake.

Your head drops gently onto Pedro's shoulder, Oscar gives Pedro a look and you feel Pedro inch closer to you so you're more comfortable and not straining your neck.
"Think it's time for you to take your partner home, Pascal" you hear Oscar tease, they all think you're asleep, you smile slightly at that comment and hear Pedro reply in a whispered tone,
"they're not my partner."
"He's blushing" Elvira drunkenly says as her and Oscar giggle to themselves.

As you drift off more and more you feel your body move, too tired to pay any attention to it you simply sigh. Pedro has moved you so your head is on a pillow, what you don't know is that pillow is placed on his lap. A blanket is placed over your body and you feel him move your hair out of your face and run his hands through it.

Oscar and Elvira continue to tease him, you barely register what they say and eventually fall fast asleep, your head in Pedro's lap.

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