Maggie: no he did not! Oh my God! This is amazing! I'm so excited for you. It's beautiful!

I smiled. I was excited. I loved Maggie, and I missed her dearly. I wish she would move here with me.

But I would never expect her to. She has her own life now where she lives. She got married last fall. To this amazing man who is so kind and good to her.

He's very sweet and funny. And him and I get along very well.

Marissa: he did! He popped the question last night when we were at dinner. Of course I said yes, I mean why wouldn't I? He's amazing.

Maggie: well of course you did! Or you wouldn't be wearing the ring. But it's so beautiful, I bet he did it in the most amazing way. You'll have to tell me more about it later on. I'm a little busy at work, but I had to see it! Oh my God!

I decided to leave her alone for the day, as she was busy at work. She was always busy. I respected that for her, the constant grind in hard work but she put in her job. I just wish it paid off more for her.

Maggie has the type of job that she enjoys what she does and the people she works for, but I feel like she'll never get anywhere in the company that she works with. She constantly gets the same pay even after working there for so long. And she's always constantly doing the same work. I feel like it's the same rut I was in before Zachary.

The rest of my day was filled with tons of paperwork. Which I didn't mind. The paperwork was the least fun part of my job, but it just meant tomorrow that I got to do more interesting things.

Even though I was used to getting out around 7 PM, Zachary made sure that I never left after 6 PM. He told me even though being a boss needs a lot of hard work, that I don't need to be working those insane hours.

And now that I share the workload with him, I don't have to do as much. But I try and take care as much as I can so he doesn't have to deal with it.

With it being now 5:45 PM, I pack up my stuff and head downstairs to my car. I get in, and drive back home.

About a year and a half ago, Zachary asked me to move in with him. To the beautiful house that he lived in. As much as I loved his house, I asked him if I could renovated. Fix it up, make it home here. Of course he said yes.

Now, it truly was home. Even though it had to be elegant, and formal, it still looked lived in. It looked happy. There were pictures on the wall. With smiling faces.

There was actually pops of color, rather than the same white, gray, and black interior.

I enjoyed the ride home. The beautiful scenery that I drove past every day. Even though I enjoyed the ride home, I couldn't wait for my arrival at home. I wanted to see Zachary. I didn't get to say goodbye to him this morning. Which upset me. But I was looking forward to seeing him.

We usually talk a lot during the day, mostly over text. But he's been so busy today, that I haven't spoken much to him. This happens every so often when something happens at the other company. It's usually something bad. Once I arrive home, I go inside. I already knew that he was home because of his car sitting in the front driveway.

Once I get inside, I walk into the kitchen and see Zachary. He was standing at the kitchen island, putting together some food. He was such a good cook, I enjoyed his food so much. I enjoyed eating dinner with him every night.

Zachary made it a thing that him and I had dinner together every night. And if we didn't, we tried to. I felt like it was such a huge thing in a relationship that we spend time together. He said that he had tons of girlfriends before me, and none of them worked out because of how busy he was. He never tried in the relationship enough to give them his time.

He said once he was with me, he wanted to fix those mistakes, to make sure that they never happened with me. And they didn't. We made rules that made sure that we gave each other our time. Whether that was just being in the same room with each other, or watching a movie, or playing board games. Even a simple text throughout the day meant a lot to each other.

" hey, that's smells delicious. How was your day?" I asked Zachary. I walked over to the opposite side of the kitchen island that he was on, it's a seat at the bar store.

Zachary stopped messing with the food, and looked up. He had a huge smile on his face the second he saw me.

" Busy, quite stressful though. Some people cannot do things correctly. I hate that I have to do things for them. And if I don't do them for them, they'll be done completely wrong. And I will take more time. To fix their mistakes." Zachary admitted.

Zachary has always put a lot of people up to high expectations. Which can be a blessing and a curse. I guess sometimes he doesn't understand that some people don't really have so much worth ethic at him. He's very hard-working, and very motivated. But a lot of people in this world are not.

He made sure to not pressure people, but he gets really upset when they don't live up to that somewhat expectations he has. Especially to expectations that they set it for themselves. Or admit they have.

" i'm sorry your day wasn't the best. Is there anything I can do? I hate to see you upset." I asked him. It was true, I hate seeing him upset. It was rare that he showed it though. He was very good at keeping a lot of his negative emotions inside.

Through the words he chose to speak, you could tell that he was upset. But the smile on his face covered it up.

" no, the best you can do is just stay here. Dinners almost ready." He told me.

Zachary and I got along great. I always enjoyed being with him, but the one thing I wish is that he would speak to me more about his problems. One time that we had a conversation about this, he admitted that he doesn't wanna burden me with his problems.

He doesn't wanna tell me all of the horrible things that he deals with every single day. I know that he picks and chooses what he gives to me on the daily basis, to not stress me out. But I know, I don't deal with stress because he takes it upon himself.

I knew he wouldn't really let me help him, but I had to try. I got up from the bar so, and walked over to him and hug him tightly. " I love you so much Zachary. Thank you for everything that you do."

As of right now, all I could offer him with my love. And support.

Which is what I will always give him.

Anthony's POV

" she's getting married." Maggie said.

I haven't seen Maggie in forever, but tonight my parents invited us to dinner because they had an announcement.

My father decided to retire, which was the announcement. But I hated that I had to see my sister. She always had such hatred toward me after the whole Marissa situation.

" what are you talking about?" I asked her confused.

" Marissa, she's getting married. Her boyfriend proposed to her last night. She said yes."

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