Chapter 31

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The years passed by very quickly. It has been a few years since I last saw Anthony, or even heard anything about him. Maggie doesn't talk to him, it's like he dropped off the face of the earth again.

The last thing I heard, was that he went home. And had basically moving on with his life. As am I.

It has also been a few years since Zachary kissed me at the elevator, admitting his feelings to me.

When I first met Zachary, I would never have thought it would lead to me where I am now.

" it's so pretty!" Samantha said, gawking at the big rock on my hand.

" it really is. It's so beautiful. I can't stop looking at it. He thinks it's funny." I replied back to her.

It's true, Zachary thinks it's very funny of how much I am in love with the beautiful ring that he gave me.

" well, you did say yes to a very rich man." She told me.

The night of the elevator kiss, Zachary asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes.

We had so much in common, from the way we thought, to the way we acted. The same sense of humor, and the same personalities. I enjoy being around him all the time.

Of course, we kept it a secret for quite a while. Just until the company became stable enough that the news wouldn't break it. It definitely ran the company through a few tunnels after everybody found out. I definitely got a lot of hate for it.

A lot of the women in the company despise me now. They thought I was a whore for sleeping with the boss. That I was just after his money, or a better position. But that wasn't the truth. A lot of them still hate me now.

When Zachary and I went public, we made it clear to each other that in the office we are coworkers, nothing more. But home, we are boyfriend and girlfriend. But now, he's my fiancé. Because last night, during a very romantic and beautiful dinner on the beach, he asked me to be his wife.

I said yes the second he asked me. Why wouldn't I? He's perfect. We have our fights, but he's so amazing. I've never been more in love with somebody in my entire life. He makes me smile every single day, he makes every single bad situation into a good one. He's always here to hold my hand.

Other than the relationship between me and him, he's taught me so much of the business side. He's been teaching me well. And only a month or so ago, he made me partner in the business. He did that because he thought I deserved it. But also because he's working on another company at the moment.

And he needs somebody to watch over this one. It's a lot of work, but I know I can always call him or ask him a question if I need to.

" he's so good for you. I've never seen you so happy. I'm so happy for you guys." Samantha gushed.

Samantha loved Zachary and I were together. She always said that she has never seen me happier. It is like Zachary lights the light in my body.

Samantha and I talked for a little bit longer, before she had to get back to work. As did I. But I was forgetting to tell one person. My best friend.

I picked up my phone off my desk, and texted Maggie.

Marissa: hey, I've got some news.

It did not take her long at all to reply back to me. Probably because of the text.

Maggie: do tell...

Instead of telling her, I took a picture of my hand with the ring on it. Sending it to her immediately. Within seconds, she replied back.

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