Chapter 32

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Anthony's POV

I was shocked, I mean how could I not be? I should've expected it. I mean it's been years. She should have met somebody, but I guess hearing those words from my sister has now made it very real for me.

It honestly hurt a lot. But at the same time, it made me very happy. Knowing that she met somebody. That she's happy with somebody.

There was a slight feeling of jealousy, towards the guy that stole her away from me. But, I have my own life now. I have my own girlfriend. And I am very happy with her.

Both Marissa and I have many decisions in our lives that have put us away from one another. I always thought about what she said. And how she said it. She was right though. We made each other very happy in the time that we were together.

But both her and I were very young and immature. We honestly got together for the very wrong reasons. I'm upset I didn't end up with her. But I don't regret a single thing that happened between me and her. And it made us both grow as people. I'm a better person because of her, and I am a better person because of the decisions I have made.

The girl I am with now, Evelyn, makes me very happy. She's a wonderful girl, she makes me smile, and laugh. I enjoy every second that I am with her. She makes me so happy every day that I wake up with her in my bed.

But I guess the whole idea of being with somebody, and marrying them is a huge difference. Maybe I feel bad about my life. I've been dating Evelyn for quite a while, and the idea of marrying her has made me a little uneasy. Not because of who she is, but the whole idea of what happens when you marry somebody.

The whole memory of Marissa and our relationship would be gone forever. For some reason I still held onto just the slightest bit. Because of course, she was my first love, my best friend, and the person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with when I was younger. But because of the decisions I made, I screwed everything up.

The entire night that I was at dinner, I couldn't stop thinking about Marissa. Not in the obsessively way that I used to. Just thinking about what we used to be, and who she was with. I just wanted to know that she was happy, and clearly she was.

She found somebody like that. It made me feel better. I would've hated to hear that she never found anybody that made her happy enough to marry.

And I expect she will have a kid with him. Marissa always wanted to be a mom. Something she always talked about when she was younger. We planned it out when we were younger actually. When we were 25, we would hope to be married by then, or engaged. Which would be on my part.

And by 28, we would have our first kid. I always wanted to have kids with her. To have a daughter that looked exactly like her, to have Marissa's beauty and smarts and creativity. And to have a son that looked like me, to have every positive trait that I have. But to have Marissa's kindness in him.

But sadly that opportunity was taken away, because of me. But I hope to have a relationship with Evelyn that ends up like that. I eventually told Evelyn everything that happened between me and Marissa. I felt like it was needed.

I have a lot of fucked up relationship issues. And I never wanted to project my issues on to Evelyn. Which I have done multiple times to other women. I explained everything to Evelyn, and she supported me. She said she was happy with me, and thanked me for actually telling her everything.

We rarely talk about Marissa. And if we do, it's more about me and my emotions. Evelyn's a wonderful person. And I am so thankful that I can talk to her about certain things like that. It makes me very lucky man to be with somebody like her.

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