KotLC as Random Jaiden Animations Quotes I Found on Wikifandom and Reddit

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Don't ask honestly. Also, I'm probably gonna do this again.

Keefe: "None of these REVOLTING pieces of literature hold a candle to the masterpiece...Leave it to Pet, The Misadventures of a Recycled Super Robot."


Sophie in Elwin's office: "Hello person with a degree! I'm here to tell you why I'm broken." (Someone get Sophie some therapy)


Sophie, cuz introvert tendencies: "Instead of shaking hands, how about we do finger guns?"


Keefe talking about the Neverseen: "They're allowing a child to go in an active volcano."


How the triplets would start a conversation: "...So I peed on my wallet."


Dex: "He he, the wisdom juice is kicking in."


Elwin to Sophie: " You are...[*drumroll*] NOT personally responsible for anyone's happiness!"

(Idk how punctuation works lol)


I don't even know how to explain this one

Sophie's human dad: "Pathta with no thauthe."

Sophie: *angrily bangs table*


Linh: "Aw fish frick."


Alden and Sophie walking to exile: "...this oven called Arizona." 

I'm sorry


Sophie, cuz she has no self preservation instincts: "Aw, my wish didn't come true...Well, I GUESS I JUMP AGAIN!" *Teleports*


Keefe reading signs in Japan: "MEGADONOKI!!!"


Sophie to Iggy: "All you do is eat and scream."


Probably Sophie in Stellarlune about Keefe: "But no worries, turns out he wasn't taken out by the Japanese mafia."


If Keefe's polyglot abilities broke: "Who married an egg, and why is she so surprised?"


The Neverseen: "Get rekt m8."

Don't mind the last one. This was fun to do, but because I'm writing these at 11:00 at night, I can't watch any videos to find quotes, so I have to search for some on google instead, so it's hard to find them. Oki, byeeee!!!

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