False Imposition

326 18 4

(Happy New Years!)

"Hold up, no, you didn't bow, bow
I ain't the chick to walk behind you 'round town
Just 'cause you're packin', packin', whoop, down south
That don't mean I'm ever gonna take it lying down, baby"

Jasmine's voice came out of the speakers as Queens did their choreography for the hundredth time that day. The girls continued to dance while their father walked in to ask them when he saw them practicing. He waited for them to finish and gave them bottles of water.

"Gracias Papá" all four girls murmured as they took the water, drinking it. (Thank you dad)

"You girls have been working hard all day" he said as Jasmine hugged him.

"We have to make sure the moves are perfect" Carmen sat against the mirror.

"Más como Jasmine sigue cometiendo errores, así que tenemos que seguir practicando hasta que lo haga bien." Elena huffed and Jasmine frowned a bit.

(More like Jasmine keeps messing up so we have to keep practicing until she gets it right)

"Lo siento. es un poco complicado para mi" Jasmine said back and went sit next to Camren. (I'm sorry. It's a little tricky for me)

"Don't talk to your hermana like that. She's trying her best" Matteo defended his baby girl.

"And she's not feeling well" Isabella spoke up while putting the fan on so they could cool off.

"bebé, no debes estresar tu cuerpo si no te sientes bien" Matteo's head snapped towards Jasmine who had laid down on her stomach.

(baby, you should not be stressing your body if you don't feel well)

"Just a headache daddy" Jasmine mumbled.

"That's been there for days now. I'm surprised you stopped throwing up" Isabella chuckled a bit.

"soplona" Jasmine mumbled from her sister's shoulder. "I'm fine. I'll rest all day tomorrow" she sighed.  (snitch)

"We have interviews tomorrow" Carmen spoke up.

Jasmine just closed her eyes and dozed off. Matteo noticed and sighed going over, picking her up.

"I'm taking her home. Tell Anika if she has a problem with that, take it up with my wife"

Matteo walked out carrying Jasmine who didn't try to move from the comfort of her dad's arms. Matteo took her to the home he shared with his wife and put her in her old room.

"Descansar un poco. Estaré aquí cuando te despiertes." He kissed her head and walked out of the room.

(Get some rest. I'll he here when you wake up)

Jasmine laid in the bed trying to go back to sleep but she couldn't as she thought about what could be making her feel this way. Flu? no she had the flu before and she felt way worse. Cold? Its possible. Pregnant? Jasmine laughed at that one. She always took plan B after hooking up with Hakeem and her period was on...Jasmine's eyes opened as she realized her period was late. Like late late.

Queens || The Story of Empire Royaltyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें