A Date... With Vincent

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dare you to give Vincent a chance and go on ONE date with him.


Phone Guy - uh..... WHAT!? A d-date, with

..HIM!? Oh n-no no no no no I cant do that if I do he will think Im homosexual bi or pansexual in which Im none of. I am straight I-I-I'm not interested in Vincent like that!

Dolly (author) - oh come on Phone Guy, its just one date. All you have to do is specifically explain that its just to make him happy and that you are straight. Plus, its for the people, its only a dare...

Phone Guy - .....Alright.... I'll do it.

(Walks past Dolly and past animatronics to the kitchen. Finds Vincent cleaning knifes #likeaboss) Uh... V-Vincent?

Vincent - (Turns to look at Phone Guy. Sees its Phone Guy and puts on a large smile) Hello Mr. Phone... What brings you to look for me my Motorola?

Phone Guy - grr... Uh...well... I was wondering if maybe you wanna go on a date with me? BUT! Its only for your enjoyment and I am not bi or homosexual nor am I pan sexual.... So dont get any ideas...o-okay?

Vincent - (Smiles brightly) Alright my Motorola, where shall we go for our little date?

Phone Guy - ....Uhhhhhhhh o_0

~~~~~Time skip to later that night~~~~~

At some fancy restaurant:

Both Phone Guy and Vincent sat at a small table across from each other dressed in tuxedos.

Vincent - (smiles brightly at Phone Guy)

Phone Guy - (smiles back at Vincent and nervously rubs the back of his neck)

Random Waiter - Good evening gentlemen, here is the bill for your meal.

Vincent reaches down and picks up the bill. Mere two seconds after looking over the bill his eyes widen and he looks at the waiter.

Vincent - 150 dollars! Are you kidding me!?

Random waiter - Well sir, your meals were 60 dollars each not to mention your drinks and extra sauces.

Vincent - There's no way in hell Im paying this much for this meal and neither is my date!

Phone Guy - (covers face in embarrassment) Vincent, calm down. I'll pay for it, just let me okay?

Vincent - No! You aren't paying for it! And IM not paying for it! This is ridiculous!

Random Waiter- Now sir, if you don't pay I'll have no choice but to call the authorities.

Vincent - Well then CALL THE AUTHORITIES! See if him and I care! We can take them all on blind folded!

Phone Guy - (stands up and steps in front of Vincent) I'll pay for our meal dont worry sir.... Grr.. Reasons why dates with Vincent are bad ideas

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