She tugged Ayaka beside her and wrapped her arms around the other girl's right arm, "what took you so long? Did someone stop you on the way? Possibly that one clueless gingerbread?"

Not long before she said that she felt a hand chop on her head, "that's Ajax-senpai for you, Chibi."

"I said I will call you however I want, pridurok", she sharply slapped away his arm and gave him a side glare.

"I see. Then, it's not my fault if I were to play THAT recording of yours right now", he waved around his phone in front of her face.

Standing up with a stomp, she tried to take it but he only raised it higher and cooed at her with his annoyingly sweet voice, "oh~~ poor little pipsqueak. She can't reach."

She sent one more glare before her feet greeted his knee for today.

"You little- That really hurt, you know!", he rubbed his knee limply.

"Good, it should be", she hissed and took her seat between Keqing and Ayaka. Thoma patted his friend's back, "you will never learn, won't you? Come on, let's take a seat."

The two of them took seats in a row behind them. Ajax purposedly placed himself directly behind Lumine while sharing glares at each other.

The theater shut off the main lights and the soft music started to play from the speakers. Lumine smiled excitedly when she recognized the music from the times the boys practiced at home. She shifted towards the edge of her seat to see the stage better. Yes, she had seen their acting since middle school but that wouldn't stop her from wanting to see more. Ajax, who was planning to kick her seat from behind, sulked when she moved away. But, understanding her reaction to seeing her twin shine, he decided to let go of it... For now.

The scene started with Aether princess wandering in the garden when her loyal subject Kazuha knight came to deliver her news of raging Xiao the wicked dragon in the country. The 'Drama Phantasmagoria' was one of the famous plays that had been receiving a lot of reboots so it's never easy to get noticed for doing this act.

Luckily, Venti and Kazuha realized this point so they improvised it with a slice of comedy and perceptive of the story. Normally, this story was told from the princess' POV alone so they shifted it to the main villain, the wicked dragon's POV in the middle slowly. The transition was so smooth that the audience didn't realize it until later. The story ended with the two sides finding an agreement, rather than being killed like the original ending.

From the very start to the end, there wasn't a fault to find. The lines that Kazuha wrote were able to deliver the audience to have empathy for the villain's side. Venti's lyre playing in the final scene was a hit. The passionate fight between Aether and Xiao was so fierce that everyone wasn't able to pull their eyes away even just for a second. Heizou's comedy lines drew smiles and laughter from the crowd several times. And, whispers and murmurs of complimenting their costumes had Keqing brightened up with joy. Lumine was the first one to stand up with her clapping as soon as the curtain fell on the stage, followed by numerous encores from the audience.


"You guys did it!", Lumine tackled her twin in a hug when the group was allowed to visit the backstage. Ajax greeted Xiao with a bro fist that the younger cluelessly mimicked. Ayaka and Thoma complimented Kazuha and Heizou about their lines improvising.

Aether accepted her tackle with a grunt before hugging her back with a chuckle, "haven't you had enough of seeing or hearing us from the practices we had at home?"

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