Chapter 56

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It has been 5 days since The Doctor turned himself in and was sent to Prison, Izuku made sure that he couldn't kill himself in anyway so he can Suffer 

Izumi and Inko were told that Izuku did have a Quirk but AFO stole it because it was a S Class Quirk, This Made Inko and Izumi pissed but they also realized if the events that happened Didn't Happen everything would be so Wrong like Inko would still be Married and With Toshinori, Izuku wouldn't have Venom, Carnage and Anti, They wouldn't have had the Friends aka The Harem to hang out with, Izumi wouldn't have Cipher and all that

They Wish they never Neglected or Bullied Izuku but they are still happy they are back in his Life even if it isn't Mother and Sister they are far more Happy begin a Girlfriend and a mistress

Right Now we See Izuku in his Room laying on the Bed as he talks to his Brothers 

Izuku: Well Boys it almost Over 

Venom 'Yea our Time is almost at a End' 

Carnage 'This Story is almost done' 

Anti 'October 31st is the last Part of our World' 

Izuku: So the next Few Chapters will be just a Trip down Memory lane

Venom 'A little Boring but also brings back memories' 

Carnage 'Yup' 

Anti 'Remember when We first Met Izuku' 

Izuku: How could I forget that It was the Being of my New Family and our Journey

Venom 'When we all broke out we thought that you wouldn't be a Perfect Host but you were and when we saw your Memories we know you were just Right' 

Carnage 'On that Day we Made a Promise to Help you be a Hero' 

Anti 'We gave you a Reason to Continue living and you gave us a Reason to continue living'

Izuku: We are One Guys, Without you I would have been dead a Long Time ago, To Be Honest even if AFO didn't steal my Quirk at a Young Age I would still feel a Void in my Soul without you guys, You 3 Completed Me 

Venom 'You Completed us also Izuku' 

Carnage 'Our Old Host were Special to Us but you Izuku'

Anti 'We don't see anyone but you being our Host now, Like you said about your Quirk, If Someone else found us and we bonded with them there would have been a Void that can't be filled without you' 

Izuku: Guys your Making me Blush

Venom 'Remember our First Night Together after we made the Lab our Home' 

Izuku: Yes How Could I, even though you all would be the Muscles you encourage me to work out, I remember when I tried to do pull ups and you all kept saying You can Do it, You Feel Great, You Can Win

Carnage 'We Believed in You Izuku and we still do' 

Anti 'Like how you believe in us' 

Izuku: I will always Believe in you no Sorry I will always Believe in Us 

Venom 'We are One'

Carnage 'We are Strong' 

Anti 'We are Fearless' 


Izuku: I love you guys even when you all annoy me like when Nemuri found us the First time

Venom 'Hahaha Oh when Anti exposed you' 

Anti 'Hahahahahaha When I was like Of Izuku using the Memories of you taking a Bath with you as materials for his late night Fun' 

Carnage 'You beat me to it Anti when she found us' 

Izuku: You guys are Idiots

Venom 'Hey If Anti didn't say that we wouldn't have know She also Loved you' 

Izuku: Yea that was Clear when she found us the Second Time 

Carnage 'We don't talk about that Day' 

Anti 'We all Agreed' 

Izuku: Oh I remember but lets Talk about it she Almost Killed us in Bed, Talk about Anger Sex I mean I loved It and Wanted me but My God before I became the dominant one in the bedroom she was Scary in Bed 

Venom 'We still have Nightmares' 

Anti 'The whip marks on your Ass were hard to Heal somehow' 


Izuku: Ok Ok anyway Remember when we first saw Izumi at the Quirkless orphanage

Venom 'Yes we saw her Randomly and decide to follow her'

Carnage 'We were surprise to see her asking the Workers at the orphanage if she can volunteer' 

Anti 'Those Kids really Love her, She still goes every Weekend to Play with them, Help them with School work, And Join them on Special Trips'

Venom 'Doesn't Endeavor now Send Money to that orphanage ever since the Sports Festival' 

Izuku: Yea he does same with Us, Well actually Cathleen, Nemuri, Rumi, Mandalay, Ragdoll, and Pixie Bob do now also, It is how they were able to pay fo Better stuff for the Kids, It is how the Kids got their Jungle Gym 

Venom 'Man So much have Happen Saving Eri from that ahhhh Forgot his Name' 

Izuku 'Yea Same' 

Carnage 'He didn't matter anyway Having Eri in our Life is the Best Thing that ever Happened' 

Anti 'If Anything happens to Her No one would be Safe' 

Izuku: We will Kill 

Carnage 'Like we did with Katsumi' 

Anti 'She was to Crazy but it did end with a Happy Ending well for someone' 

Venom 'Shoka' 

Izuku: I am Proud of Shoka, When all seemed lost with her she actually realized her Mistakes and Got the Help she needed, She worked hard in the Hospital 

Venom 'She also Saved Eri' 

Carnage 'Katsumi broke her out to Help Kill Eri and The Girls and Kidnap Us' 

Anti 'She fought off Katsumi even though she knew Katsumi was stronger she was Willing to Die to Protect Eri, She earned our Forgiveness' 

Izuku: I knew Shoka wasn't Crazy but since she was with Katsumi she was forced to believe what Katsumi believed out of all of them Shoka was the Weakest so she follow out of Fear, But when she found her courage she realised she was Strong Willed to Earn Forgiveness and Take Back her Life

Venom 'She was your First Crush wasn't she' 

Carnage 'Well Besides the Milfs' 

Izuku: Yea Shoka was my First Crush for Girls My Age that is why it hurt when she followed them but It made me So Happy to see her Back to her old self before everything 

Venom 'Then you had a Sister Complex that was shortly live when they all bullies you' 

Carnage 'Well Everything has worked out' 

Izuku: Yea Anyway we should get Going We need to take Eri to get a Dog and Cat we forgot all about it with the Stuff that has been Happening' 

All 3 'Lets Go'

(Hey Guys it is October 17 now so you all have 8 days to Vote for the Next Story so if you haven't done that yet get to it)

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