Chapter 46

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We see Izuku get out of Endeavor's Car as he walks to the Dorms and walks in to see Inko and Ryukyu 

Izuku: Inko, Ryukyu what are you doing here 

Inko (blushing): We came to ask you something

Izuku: Oh God 

Ryukyu: No it's Not that 

Izuku: Oh Well what can I Help you with 

Ryukyu: Give Me your Sperm 

This made Izuku freezes and unable to speak 

Inko: Ryuko no Izuku calm down what we are asking us for you to donate your Sperm so we can have a Child 

Izuku was still frozen as Ryukyu goes to him 

Ryukyu: Maybe I should have told him why before saying give me your Sperm 

Inko: You Think, You Broke him 

As 5 Minutes go by as Izuku snaps back to reality and sees that he is now in his Room with Ryukyu and Inko looking at some of Midnight's Toys as they see him 

Inko: Better 

Izuku: Yea sorry but can you please explain 

Inko: Yes of Course, Me and Ryuko are Getting Married as you Know and well we want a Baby to raise also, We checked the Sperm donors but didn't like any of them, The Worker told us we can also ask someone we Trust and think will be a Good Sperm donor for a child

Izuku: And you picked me Why 

Ryukyu: Because your Brave, Smart, Caring, The True Makings of a Hero we want that for are Child plus you still look like Inko abit even though you do have DNA anymore so Our Kid will kind of Look like Her 

Izuku: I get it, I don't Mind giving you My Sperm 

Inko and Ryukyu: Really Thank you 

Izuku: No Problem so when do you want it 

Ryukyu: We can go to the Clinic today and do it 

Izuku: Sure I have nothing better to do today anyway 

As all 3 Leave we skip to the Clinic where Izuku is in a Room with a Nurse 

Izuku: So How is this Going to Work, Is it Like Milking a Cow you going to give me a Handjob or Something 

Nurse: If I had a Nickel for each Man that comes in here and asked that I wouldn't need this Job 

Izuku: Sorry so you hear that a lot don't you 

Nurse: Yes Yes I do, Now Mr. Parker all you have to do is do your business and shoot it in the Cup, There is Videos or Porn magazines to get you Going 

Izuku: Ok Thanks 

As the Nurse leaves we see Izuku pick out a Movie 

*Time Skip*

We see Izuku coming out of the Room as Inko and Ryukyu are Waiting as the Nurse goes to him and grabs the Cup but sees its Empty 

Nurse: Mr. Parker 

Izuku: Sorry The Videos and magazines didn't do it for me 

Inko: What 

Ryukyu: Are you sure 

Izuku: Must be because Of My Harem, I slept with them a lot so I guess by Body doesn't get Hard from Videos or Mags, It only does for real Sex 

As Ryukyu and Inko look at each Other and grab Izuku and Push him into the Room as Ryukyu looks at the Nurse 

Ryukyu: These Rooms are Sound Proof Right 

Nurse (Blushing): Y-Yes 

Ryukyu: No one will come in 

Nurse (Blushing): No because the In Use light is on 

Ryukyu: Good you can go on Break this Might take a Bit 

As Ryukyu Closes the Door and Locks it as the Nurse walks away turned one and Blushing hard as we cut into the Room and see Inko taking off Izuku's Clothes 

Izuku: What The Hell 

Inko: We will help you 

Ryukyu: I may be a Full Lesbian and swear I will never Fuck a Guy but I want a Child so I will make a exception for you 

As Inko and Ryukyu strip down and Izuku gets Hard 

Inko: So you can only get Hard from Real Sex 

Ryukyu: So Lets Begin 

(This Chapter is Short because its just a Small Filler I still need to Edit Chapter 47 and Most people asked for this Chapter even though I wasn't going to Have Inko and Ryukyu have sex with Izuku for a Kid but Most people wanted me to do it so I am)

(Next Chapter will be a Lemon Chapter with Inko, Ryukyu and Izuku, But they won't Join the Harem I repeat THEY WILL NOT BE JOINING THE HAREM)

(And Hopefully Chapter 47 Editing will be done because that was supposed to be Chapter 46 not this but Oh Well)

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