Slice Of Your Pie

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The Crue is in the picture above. Also,the name of this chapter,is an underrated Crue song,off Dr. Feelgood. If you haven't heard it,give it a listen. Again Warning: There is Sexual activity in this part.

           ****Nikki's p.o.v****

"What about Katrina?" I suggest to Lexi, while cuddling in bed at the hotel we were staying in.

We have been discussing names for the twins all day, but still haven't came up with anything she likes.

"Maybe." She answers.

I let out a snort, "You've been saying that for every name I've suggested."

"I know baby, I just want their names to be unique and special. One of a kind." She explained.

"Lex, they're our kids, they're gonna be one of a kind. Just like their mother and father." I say to her, while smiling.

She smiles back and kisses me, "I love you, Nikki Sixx."

I Kiss her back, "I love you too, Lexcia Belle."

"How about Alixx Dawn and Kymberly Hope, if they're girls, Braxton Blake and Jaxson Andrew, if they're boys?" She asked, turning to look at me.

"I love it." I say to her smiling, causing her to smile back at me.

I kissed her sweet soft lips, then kissed her swollen pregnant tummy. I couldn't wait til our babies were here.

            ****Lexcia's p.o.v****

Laying here watching Nikki sleep, I can't get Duff off my mind. He makes me feel so... different. I've never felt this way before. Not even with Nikki. Don't get me wrong, I do love Nikki, just not like I do Duff. I have to see him again.

Getting up, I slip on some shorts, an oversized Crue shirt, and make my way to Duff's room.

I softy knocked on the door, not wanting to wake anybody. The door open to reveal Duff, looking confused and tired.

He's so cute. I thought.

We didn't even have to say anything, we just melted into each other's arms. His lips found mine and started moving with mine. He tasted like cigarettes, alcohol, and mint.

He picked me up, shutting the door with his foot, and carried me bridal style to his bed.

While not breaking our kiss, he started taking our clothes off.

"Lexcia, I want you, I need you. Be mine." He said, in a husky voice, I couldn't resist.

"Take me Duff." I said, seductively.

He kissed down my neck ,biting me ever so softy, yet firm. I liked him being dominant. It was extremely sexy. He found my soft spot and bit down, causing me to moan out. He trailed kissed down to my breasts, sucking and biting them. I arched my back and moaned.

The sexual tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. He came back up and kissed me. Shoving his tongue in my mouth. I swear I could see fireworks and hear angels singing.

I could feel his erection poking me. He pulled down his boxers to reveal his very large member. He positioned himself, then thrusted into me. I quietly yelped in pain and pleasure.

"God, that was amazing." I said, out of breath.

"I know. It was better than I imagined." he said, rather pleased.

We stayed silent for a while. I was about to fall asleep, when he asked,

"Do you actually love him?"

That caught me off guard.

"I do love him, but I also love you too." I said, truthfully.

He sighed.

"Lexcia, I love you more than he ever will. I'm not gonna make you choose, but i'm not gonna wait around forever."

I didn't know how to answer him. We said our goodnights and I quietly went back to Nikki's room. Now having alot more on my mind. What am I gonna do?

             ****Duff's p.o.v****

I really love her but she needs to make up her mind, on who she wants to be with. I know she loves Nikki i'm not stupid, but she also loves me. I also know that Nikki's lieing to her, not to mention his drug problem is getting out of control.

I don't see how she hasn't seen it yet. I'm waiting for the right time to tell her. I just don't want to hurt her. She's to beautiful to be hurt. She's perfect and I want her to be mine. I don't care if she's having his kids. He doesn't deserve her, she needs to be happy... with me.


I hoped you guys liked this chapter. I tried to make it a little sexier lol. Did you guys like the names for the twins? Comment/vote pretty please. And thanks for all the reads and votes. :)

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