quick AN!

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Yeah, so I've been drifting in and out of the EQG fandom for quite a while, but I'm deep enough now to make this.

If you've read "KOTLC & MLB" and liked that, this will follow a similar format, with memes, alignment charts, a whole lotta incorrect quotes (I have too much fun with them). 

But, I will confess, I have come to a conclusion while making the content for this:

Rainbow Dash, Sunset, and Pinkie are the chaotic trio, with the other four most likely the reason they haven't accidentally destroyed the world yet. Why? While making these incorrect quotes, so many of the crazy ones applied to these three that I just decided that they would totally insane together. (kinda like how chaotic Keefe and Cat Noir are in the other one)

so... uh... yeah. Enjoy this!


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