Part 3:

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Journal Entry 1
It was a stormy night when I found them. It was raining hard. Night, cloudy, rain falling as hard as metal scraps from spaceships falling on my head. They were outside of the temple of Faar. Did they know that it was the temple of Faar? If they did, they wouldn't have gone in. Idiots. I am writing this from inside of my small hut in which nobody will find me. I am on the Wanted list from the police of the temple of Faar, alien police. Oh yeah, the idiots. One of their faces was torn off and by the looks of one of the faces that was smeared in blood ate his face. Hmm. My name is Andrew, and I will be writing about my day, or my night. My tragic night. My death mistake. They had found me. I was lying about writing in a small hut, it just looked to be my room. I explored around, looking for any sign that it was my house. It was my house, just it was all dark and I couldn't get out. There were no doors or windows. Back to my story, of how I died. The simple mistake I had made. It was a nice day, nothing bad was happening, and I thought it would actually be a good day. It was never a good day on this planet, Bob. I was in peace until I was shot in the neck with a Fluphenazine needle. I was shot from behind, on the hill that my house was under, for it was an underground base. They had found me. I was taken into the Faar court, and they said that they had been watching me for years, and they already knew where I lived for a long time. Hmm. Wait, I thought I was dead, what the hell is that, wait no, that shouldn't happen! Help! I screamed in despair as I tried to escape from that death trap that was supposed to be my home, with no door. Of course. They had trapped me. Again. I died once, but is it possible to die twice?TO BE CONTINUED

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