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"Haz? What's going on?" Zayn asked. When Harry looked away, he turned to his dad. "Dad?"

"I think its best Harry tells you himself." Yaser said looking at his son in law.

Zayn's heart started beating fast when Harry just gave him a hug. They were so many bad news lately, he can not handle anymore? "What is it? Harry?" He asked pulling back to look at him trying not to look anxious.

Harry leaned forward to kiss him softly on the lips to settle Zayn's nerves, he loved him so much. "Its, erm_ I don't know where to start."

"Better not be a surprise." Zayn didn't understand why he felt the need to cry but he did, he licked his bottom lip, inhaling deeply to control himself. "You know I hate surprises, Haz." He said softly. Had Harry not been sitting close he wouldn't have heard him.

Harry swallowed a lump in his throat as Zayn looked at him with bright big eyes, reminding him when they first met all those years ago. Zayn was gorgeous but his eyes was what pulled him in. And he was hooked. He couldn't possibly imagine life without him. He prays they grow old together.

"I love you." Harry whispered.

"You're scaring me." Zayn whispered back.

"The cancer is back."

"Quit bullshitting." Zayn whispered again.

"I'm not_"

"You are in remission, Harry. Three years. Don't joke about something like that." Zayn said. His heart was hammering dangerously on his chest. "Its not funny. Not one bit."

Harry grabbed both of Zayn's hands, "I will never joke about cancer. It is back and spread to my stomach_"

"Stop. Stop." Zayn covered his ears not wanting to hear no more. "How do you even know its spread? You haven't been told results of the scan yet. You said they were not available. You said it, Harry. So how do you know? Do you feel like its spreading, is that it? Or..or you are psyching yourself for bad news? I tell you what if you are, stop it. You're fine. You don't look ill. You are fine. The cancer is not back. You are fine. Alright? You're fine," he didnt realise tears were falling down his cheeks until Harry wiped them with a thumb.

"Im so sorry, baby_"

"No. No. No." Zayn's whole body shook as he trembled uncontrollably. He moved away from him and went to kneel infront of his Yaser. "Its not true right, dad? He's just_" he sniffed. "Please tell me its not true."

Yaser ran his hand through Zayn's hair. "I cant do that, son."

"Is that why you're here? You know? Harry told you?"

Yaser nodded. "Early this morning he did. He couldn't sleep and called. I promised to be here for both of you. I'm afraid it is true. No bullshitting."

"Is he dying?" Zayn hiccuped asking his dad, he rather hear the horrible news come out of another person's mouth than Harry as that would kill him inside.

Yaser sighed. "You have to ask him, beta."

Still on his knees, Zayn turned around to face his husband. "Haz? You're dying? Are you going to leave me alone?"

Harry saw those beautiful hazel eyes he loves staring back at him filled with hurt and pain. "I_" he tried to speak but his voice cracked as his throat tightened with emotions.

That was enough admission for Zayn. He sat back on his heels and bowed his head down feeling winded. He always felt restless when Harry went for scans, always fearing the worst. But he'd also assure him should the worst come, they would deal with it head on.

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