Chapter 6: The Prisoner - Part 1

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The Razorcrest pulled up to the space station, landing with a rattle and a hiss. Once the child was secure in the sleeping compartment, both mandalorians exited their ship and walked over to a round man with a long gray beard.

"Mandos!" Ran said, "Is that you under those buckets?"

Both shook his hand.

"I didn't know if I'd see you in these parts again," Ran said, putting down his welding helmet and equipment, "Good to see you again. You know, I was a little surprised when you reached out to me." He swallowed and smiled nervously, "You know, cuz... I- I hear things. Like... maybe things between you and the Guild aren't working out."

Small Mando folded her arms. "That's not what we're here for."

"We'll be fine," Mando added.

Ran shrugged. "Okay, well, you know the policy. No questions." He started leading them through the bay of ships. "And you two are welcome back here anytime."

"What's the job?" Mando asked.

Ran explained how one of their associates got himself caught, and the plan was to spring him out of prison. "It's a six person job," he was saying, "I've got four. All I need is the ride, and you brought it."

Small Mando glared through her helmet visor. "The ship wasn't part of the deal."

Ran shrugged. "That Crest is the only reason I let you back in here."

"How hospitable of you," Mando said, folding his arms.

"What's with the look, you two?" Ran asked, "Is that gratitude?"

Small Mando growled, taking a step towards him, "Gratitude, my ass-"

Mando held his arm out in front of her. "If you hurt him I don't think they'll be too keen to let us leave."

She cracked her knuckles. "Oh, I'm gonna hurt him, I'm gonna kill him-"

Mando had to use his other arm to stop her. "Unfortunately they'll really hate us if you do that."

She gave an angry huff, but backed off. They followed Ran further through the bay, until they came upon a guy with blasters strapped all across his torso. Ran called him Mayfield, and introduced him and the mandalorains.

"These are the two?" Mayfeild asked.

"Yeah, we were all young, trying to make a name for ourselves," Ran said. "Running with not one, but two mandalorians? That got us some reputation."

"What did they get out of it?" Mayfeild asked.

Ran laughed. "I asked them that one time. Remember what you said, Mando? Small Mando?" He turned back to Mayfield. "Target practice." They both laughed as the mandlorians exchanged glances through their t-shaped visors.

"We did some crazy stuff, didn't we?" Ran asked them.

"That was a long time ago," Mando said with a huff.

Ran said, "Well.... I don't get out much anymore, ya know? So Mayfeild is gonna run point on this job. Whatever he says, it's like it's coming from me. You good with that?"

Mando turned to Mayfield. "You tell me."

"You haven't changed one bit," Ran chuckled.

Mayfield said, "Yeah, well, things have changed around here."

Small Mando said, "Clearly."

Ran started talking about how Mayfield was one of the best triggermen he'd ever seen, before introducing them to the rest of the crew. Mayfiled got his first look at the Razorcrest, and was unimpressed, commenting that it looked like a slot machine from Canto Bight.

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