The Sin - Part 1

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As the ship neared Nevarro, Small Mando climbed the ladder up to the cockpit, yawning and stretching. Her hamlet was the only piece of armor she had on, the rest waiting in her co-pilot seat to put back on.

Mando didn't look up from his piloting, and asked, "How are the ribs?"

Small Mando picked up the pile of armor on her seat, and crashed in it. "Still sore. But better than yesterday."

She started putting her armor back on, beginning with the thigh and leg guards, the arm guards, and the poldrons on her shoulders. When she tried to put the breastplate on last, she hissed in pain.

Mando turned a little in his chair, looking at her.

"You're waiting for me to cave and ask for your help, aren't you?" She asked him.

Mando shrugged. "Are you going to?"

"No," she said stubbornly. She sucked in a deep breath to steel her nerves, and attached the breastplate with a grunt of pain and string of curses. "Oh, that stings..."

There was a click, then whirr as a message from Greef popped up, the hologram flickering and wavering from teh bad connection. "Mandos! I just received your transmission. Wonderful news. Upon your return, deliver the quarry directly to the client. I have no idea if he wants to eat it or hang it on his wall, but he's very antsy. Safe passage, you know where to find me."

Once the hologram disappeared, both Mandalorians noticed that the child had gotten out of his carriage, and had a hold of the silver ball that went on top of one of the levers.

Mando reached across and plucked the ball out of the child's hands. "That's not a toy."

"How'd you even get out of your carriage?" Small Mando asked, picking the child up and setting him back in his carrier.

Mando landed the ship right outside the city, and as they walked down the ramp with the carriage following them, people stared.

After a lot of walking, they finally made it to the place where they had first met the Imperial that hired them. They entered just like they had the first time, and just like the last time they had been there, about a dozen Imperial troopers filled the room, and their boss was sitting at his desk.

The old man got up from his desk excitedly, holding up his tracking phob to make sure that what they brought him was real. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes...."

Dr. Pershing was right behind him, examining the child like a science project.

The old man looked at the Mandalorians. "Your reputation was not unwarranted."

"How many phobs did you give out?" Mando asked.

The old man replied, "This asset is of extreme importance to me. I had to ensure it's delivery." He walked over to his desk and pulled out a case. "But to the winner.... Go the spoils."

The case opened, revealing two huge stacks of thick beskar bricks. Both Mandalorians walked over, and each picked up one brick, inspecting it, tilting it to make it gleam silver in the light.

"Such a large bounty, for such a small package," the old man commented, as the scientist started taking the child away into another room.

From his carriage, the child cried, looking to the Mandalorians for help. And then the carriage and the child disappeared behind the door.

Mando asked the old man, "What are your plans for it?"

"How uncharacteristic," the old man said, "For one of your reputation. You have taken both commission and payment. Is it not the Code of the Guild that these events are now forgotten? That beskar is more than enough to make a handsome repalcement both of your armor sets."

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