vi. Life or death? I choose fun

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life or death? I choose fun

life or death? I choose fun

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'✭.<Alex Ivory>.*•
How fun that we might die together but it's whatever

All throughout potions, Lorenzo and I have been nonstop talking about exploring freakhouse. Which is a house that has randomly appeared in the dark Forrest.

Which happened to be where Tessa Graves disappeared at, no one knows why she went. Some rumors is that she is curious, or she wanted to impress Mattheo. It's really all over the place.

Lorenzo was the one who suggested to visit freakhouse, I mean all I wanted to do was do something more exciting that was not just fighting or playing pranks.

Which when we brought it up to Mattheo and Theodore. There reactions were quite what we were expecting.

"Are you guys fucking serious? Absolutely not." Mattheo said, Lorenzo and I nodded. "So you guys want to go to place where we are probably never be seen again"

"Who said about going inside the house? We are just going to go up to it." Lorenzo explained, Mattheo raised his eyebrows and Theodore laid on the ground.

"Wasn't that the place that Tessa Graves girl disappeared at." Theodore asked.

"Yeah, i mean I think she wanted to show how brave she was too Mattheo." I explained. Mattheo looked at me confused before pulling out a cigarette and putting in his mouth.

"Oh, don't tell me that I'm going to be at blame." He said rolling his eyes, we all shrugged and he handed the cigarette over to Theodore: something that they have been doing for like years almost.

It's mainly those two, Lorenzo and I are clean and healthy. Which I understand why they do it, I would do if my life was as complicated as theirs.

"That girl was crazy. Like she followed me everywhere. That shit was hella creepy." Mattheo scoffed, She never got the hint that they were never together.

"Like that one time, when she snuck in our dorm and waited until we came back to find her." Theodore laughed as smoke slowly trickled out his mouth. Mattheo pretended to shiver. "Don't remind me, I swear she took one of my shirts too."

It was true, I overheard her showing it to her friends a couple weeks after she was there, it was mainly odd that her friends weren't creeped out by it.

"Alex, is it official with Alora and Tristan then?" Lorenzo asked completely changing the subject, I rolled my eyes at the thought and the three of them looked at me awaiting an answer. "I don't even know."

"So you think it's true then?" Mattheo said, He definitely caught the doubt in my tone. "Obviously, Mattheo. Did you see how she got all defensive when it came to Erdos? It was almost like she is the man in the relationship." Theodore added on taking another puff from the cigarette.

The three laugh and I couldn't even think that was funny, I hate how she took his side. Yes, I was the one who started it but I mean come on now, you would prefer him over your brother. What is going on with her.

"I saw her go into Erdos dorm this morning." Lorenzo mention, I feel my eye widen and I grabbed him by the arm. "What?! What do you mean you saw her go to his room?!"

He raised his eyebrows pulling away, "I don't what they were doing in there but she looked pissed. So maybe she was mad about everything last night." He shrugged.

All this talk about Alora and Tristan has been pissing me off! I mean everyone think it's like the biggest news at Hogwarts like at this point go talk about how great Harry Potter is, just stop talking about them.

"So are you guys in then for visiting freakhouse." I asked, they looked at each other and nodded. "Okay then, if we don't return back I'm going to kill you all of you assholes when we go to the afterlife." Theodore spat. Mattheo rolled his eyes and Lorenzo looked at me shook.

"If we do make it, then how do we prove that we went and you know survived?" Mattheo asked. I could tell a light bulb appeared above Lorenzo head. "Alex your sister did photography right?"

Yeah she was ass at it... "Yeah, she still brings it even though she never uses it." He motioned his hand helping me obviously understand what he is getting at. "How am I supposed to get it? If I get caught in her dorm I'm going to be joining the other ghosts here."

"Use Tara, did you see the way she looked at you. And it would be a bite towards Tristan." Lorenzo suggests. Tara? I feel like I would just the using her if I did that but at the same time, I need to prove to them that I can do this.

"The Erdos must really like the Ivory's or some sh it. Geez." Mattheo said, honestly I never really thought about it but I have really no feelings towards Tara she is just mainly someone I need to well use I guess.

"Fine I will ask her later.." they all pointed over across and I noticed she was talking to that one strange girl, I just can't quite remember what her name was though. Damnit.

Mattheo pushed me, urging me to hurry up. So I did and got up walking up to her; "Tara, I need a favor." She looked up at me and the other one stood looking at her hands fidgeting.

"I know you have been doing a lot for me but.." I grabbed her hand and held it. "Could you get me Alora's camera, it's kinda of urgent." She blinked before pulling away immediately. "Yeah, meet me back here and I'll give it to you..."

I nodded and waved goodbye before walking back, "she must be embarrassed by the thought of having a crush on you." Mattheo said, I look at him confused and he doesn't continue.

"Let's go get ready to die together."

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