Kris needs a Vacation

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Kris sat in her office, deep in thought and glancing at the calendar slightly. It was summer, the month of June, and the time where new recruits are chosen to join the highly sought-after team, BC Sol.

When they had won the European League nearly a year ago, to say that they were ecstatic would be an understatement. She still remembered the tears that rolled down her cheeks when she saw the team of her dreams cheering and crying around her, hugging and jumping at the battle she couldn't believe came from one of them. The blissful atmosphere that engulfed everyone.

Then as if that wasn't enough, a short time later came the International Blader's Cup, and 4 of her own bladers were invited, even two finishing in the finals. The tournament ended with Valt becoming world champion, a title she couldn't have prouder of, seeing a kid that has grown to great heights.

Her team was flourishing, right before her eyes. But of course, with those accomplishments under the team's belt, came with their own issues, which brings her right back to what sat in front of her.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of applications, all coming from bladers hoping to join BC Sol.

She groaned and ran her fingers through her hair, laying her arm on the table to think of what she was going to do. Previously, the job was done by her and Trad, but of course Trad was no longer on the team, and she was already having troubles balancing managing the team and being the director of the WBBA.

She had gone to asked Raul, but he declined the job. When asked why, he didn't give much of an answer, other than it's not a position that is for him. Who does that leave, then? Maybe one of the bladers...?

Knock knock

"Hm?" Kris glanced up at the door. It was slightly ajar with a sheepishly familiar head of blue hair appearing behind it. She smiled. "You can come in."

Valt popped his head in the room.

"Sorry to bother you," he laughed. Stepping inside, she saw the stack of papers in his hands, and could already feel the headache coming. "These are the rest of the applications that were sitting in the office. Though I think I missed a couple-"

"It's fine! Just set them on the table over there." She let out a sigh, but kept a strained smile on her face. "I'm assuming you finished your trip?"

He immediately lit up.

"Yeah, it was awesome! Everyone was so nice and there were so many cool sights over there! I wish I got to battle more though. But still, it was so much fun!"

Kris softened a bit when an idea popped in her head.

"Say... How long is it before your next trip?"

"Uh, I think I got a few months before that tournament in Japan. Maybe 3 or 4?" He quickly got out his phone and tapped on it for a bit. "Yeah, 3 months, it looks like."

He looked up, slightly confused. "Why?"

Kris got up with the stacks of papers on her desk and placed them on top of the ones that he had set on the table. It made a plop as they hit the surface. "Valt, would you be interested in completing the recruitment process this year?"

Valt stared at the very thick pile of applications next to him for a few seconds with a blank expression, though for Kris, she could feel sweat accumulating by the minute. Suddenly though, a smile broke out on his face.

"Really?! I would love to!" His grin stretched from ear to ear while bouncing in his steps like a little kid. She let out her breath, and side-eyed the way that Valt's eyes sparkled at the hundreds of paperwork. "Now remember the criteria, they must complete all three stages and show exceptional dedication and potential in each facet of blading. Identification must be shown, along with the specs of their bey to verify their qualification for official tournaments. Valt, are you getting this?"

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