R: Chocolate coffee? (A blush fell upon his cheeks) You know me so well, even after all of these years.

S: We spent countless afternoons together, I learned much about you with no intention of forgetting the knowledge. (A server came over to take their drink orders) Two mochas, please.

R: May I have mine with topped whipped cream, please? (He eagerly put his hands together with excitement)

W: Coming right up! (The waiter left to make the drinks)

R: (Setting his hands back down, he gave a grin to Severus) Tell me about a book you've read recently.

S: (His eyes moved from the table to Remus) I picked up a classic- Vue de Paris, that I cannot recommend more highly. You may enjoy it, a story about two long-lost lovers that are brought together after strange circumstances. (The server returned with their drinks and set them down.) Thank you, we appreciate it. (Severus' face turned to the two cups, one decorated with a delicately spiraled topping of fluffy whipped cream. He is sweet enough as is... he thought to himself before sliding the drink over to Remus)

R: Thank you, Sev. (A somewhat shy Remus chirped, taking a sip of the hot coffee) The book sounds like a good read. I will have to see if the library carries a copy.

S: (He cupped his mug with both hands) How about I do you one better? (Reaching down into his satchel, he grabbed ahold of a leather-bound book, placing it on the tabletop.) Why don't you borrow my copy? I'm in the middle of a different title currently.

R: Oh! (With his mustache tipped with cream, he pulled the book over to him, examining the cover) Do you mean it? That is so generous of you.

S: (He nodded assuringly) Please, and borrow it for as long as you need. It is worth a thorough look over.

R: (They enjoyed the rest of their drinks, speaking of books they had read, movies they would hope to one day see, and musicals they dreamt of performing in. By the time their cups were empty, the curfew warning bells had begun, and it was time to leave.) I will see you soon, Severus. And when we meet again, I'll tell you all about my thoughts on Vue de Paris.

S: That sounds lovely. (He let out a gentle exhale, saddened that their time was coming to an end, at least for now.) Come find me when you get to chapter twenty. (The two men exchanged a handshake, their eyes locked together as if speaking their own language. As he watched Remus depart down the dark street, Severus let out a longing sigh, hoping that he was a fast reader.)


S: (Days turned to weeks, and Severus eventually stopped waking up with a lingering excitement to go to the coffee shop. He hadn't seen Remus since he gave him the book, which was almost three months ago now. Surely, he had gotten to chapter twenty by then.

The lockdown had taken many more shops from the once lively downtown. One day, taking the same path he had the morning he saw Remus, Snape meandered through the rubbish-filled streets, heading to the coffee shop. As he was going to turn and follow the next street, a flash came from the corner of his eye. Stopping in his tracks, he turned around and saw the now somewhat dimmed and flickering billboard, advertising the same beverage it had a year ago. Severus felt his heart sink as he noticed something tied to the post that he hadn't seen before. Rushing over, as he got closer, the object made itself known. It was his book.) What on Earth? (He said, carefully untying it from the post. On the corner of his book was a note. Severus opened the note and read aloud)

R: Severus,

I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed this book. Unfortunately, we must have crossed the wrong paths this time. You see, I do not live in London. I live in Berlin. I come to London once a year for training and I was walking back to my hostel when I stumbled into you. I didn't have the heart to tell you that I wouldn't see you again for so long, especially after offering me the book, knowing I would read it the moment we separated. Once I reached chapter twenty, I realized something. The day we found each other on the street, you mentioned that your mind was elsewhere. Mine had been, too. It was drawn to a bright sign placed just off by some fences. I had never seen it on that road before. The name of the drink still rings clear in my mind, "Pond Water." It made no sense to me. What a silly name for such a brightly coloured drink. It caught my full attention, which then made me run directly into you. It is for this reason I have left your book here, in hopes that this billboard was what caught your eye, giving us the perfect chapter twenty scenario to find each other once more. Alas, I tried to locate you. I waited at the shop, but it must have been an off day for you. My time in London for this year has come to an end, and I will not be back again until next year. Severus, I have read Vue de Paris now ten times over, and I want to leave you with a proposition. If this lockdown doesn't make it so we cannot reach each other, will you find me next year, around this time {It's late Autumn if it takes you a while to find this} and have coffee with me once again? I will take an extra week in the city, in hopes of finding you. Please, stay safe, and enjoy a mocha- I'll see you next year.

S: (With tears in his eyes, he feels the face of the parchment with his fingertips) I'm sorry. (Tucking the note into the cover of the book, Snape made his way to the coffee shop. The door creaked when he entered now, and the windows had large cracks in the glass panes. He went over to the table they had shared and was quick to place his order) Two mochas. One with whipped cream, one without. (The server was no longer chipper, nor interested, yet brought him the two drinks he ordered without incident. Snape stared blankly at the mugs, the cream slowly melting back into the hot coffee. He took out the book and placed it on the table across from him and gave a weak smile) I'm sorry, Remus. (He took a sip from his drink as sirens rang out in the distant skies. Tears stained his cheeks as he raised his mug slightly toward where Remus had once sat) I won't miss you this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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