9~ I Wish That I Was Eighteen...Not

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"Easty?" Megan's whiny voice sounded in the parking lot.

I closed my eyes tight. I wasn't prepared for this. Maybe if I closed my eyes tight enough, she'd go away.

I opened my eyes again and she was standing right in front of me.

"Damn, it didn't work. What do you want, Megan?" I asked with a face drained of emotion, matching hers.

"It's your birthday, Easty. We should go party," She suggested with a smirk on her face as she took a step closer to me and rested a hand on my elbow.

I took a big step backward and kept her at arms-length. "I'm not interested in partying, especially with you," I sneered.

She pouted dramatically. "It's not going to happen again, Easton. I promise."

"I don't give a fuck about your empty promises. You can sleep with whoever the fuck you want, Megan. I don't care anymore. We're done. We've been done for two years," I shouted. "Go sleep with your boyfriend, cheat on your boyfriend, sleep with your fucking mailman. I don't care who the hell you sleep with. It won't have any type of effect on me whatsoever. Do both of us a favor and leave me the hell alone," I snapped and stormed off to my car.

I took a deep breath and pulled out of my parking spot violently. As soon as I got back to the house, I ran up to my room. I needed a run and a hot shower. I grabbed my running stuff and was back out the door in a couple of minutes.

I ran forever and I almost forgot that Ash was coming over. I still didn't know how much I was going to tell her. When I got back to the house, I took a quick hot shower and changed clothes. She would be here any minute.

Demi called me downstairs which meant Ash was here.

"Hey East," She greeted me with a hug. I gave her one back. It was natural and for that I was glad. She handed me an envelope. "It's from Mason and Julia. They told me to give it to you and not take no for an answer," She explained.

I took it from her. "Tell them I said thanks," I led her up to my room. I threw the card on my dresser as we walked in. She took a seat on my bed. I began pacing. It's hard to tell how long I was doing that.

"East?" Ashtyn's voice pulled me out of my head.

"Yeah?" I asked absentmindedly.

"Are you okay? You're starting to worry me. You've been really quiet and have been pacing since you brought me up here," She asked in a calm, soothing voice. She stood up and grabbed my arm lightly to stop my pacing.

I took a deep breath and prepared to tell her. I led her back to my bed and we sat together.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Ash. About my childhood, my past, and everything I've done that made me who I am. I told you that we were adopted when I was ten, but everything before that is what is important," I started with a surprisingly steady voice.

"Easton, you don't have to tell me. I don't want you to feel pressured to tell me," She stopped me.

I shook my head. "I'm not feeling pressured to tell you, Ash. I want to tell you. If I didn't, you wouldn't know anything."

She nodded for me to continue.

"My parents fought a lot when we were growing up, but it was all verbal. It usually started with my mom, but after every fight, they apologized and made up. They were happy and we all loved each other. The night before my sixth birthday, they got into the biggest fight they ever had. When the screaming stopped, I thought it was over and everything would be okay in the morning."

I looked over at Ash. She was listening attentively. Her eyes were glazed over with tears. That's when I knew how much I was going to tell her.

"My Mom woke me up the next morning. It was really early, the sun hadn't even risen yet. She explained that she had to leave for a while and I wouldn't see her for a long time. She promised me she would come back. She told me happy birthday and that she loved me. She kissed my head and walked out of the door. It was the last time I ever saw her."

"Easton," Ash started but I shook my head to stop her. She was on the verge of tears.

"That day, my birthday, was the start of my fucked up life and that's why I hate my birthday."

"I'm sorry that happened, Easton, but your life isn't fucked up. Look around you and find the good and you'll see that. You have a brother who looks at you like you're his entire life, you have two wonderful people who want the best for you, and you have a friend who is always ready to listen. Your life isn't fucked up, you're life is beautiful," She told me and pressed a kiss to my temple.

My body stayed rigid through her speech. I almost wanted to back away when she kissed me but I didn't.

"Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me."

I looked at her. "Thank you," I whispered so quietly I wasn't even sure if she could hear me.

She gave me a soft smile. "Let's watch a movie," She suggested and I agreed.

We laid back on my bed and I put on a movie. Everything was normal. Nothing changed.

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