Chapter 6

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Trigger Warning

Blood, Violence, Beating

"Hongjoong, we're coming up to the Port. We have about a few minute," San called out as he guided the ship closer to the ports.

"Alright. Jongho, get the anchor ready to drop," Hongjoong called out, adjusting his coat slightly and tying it up.

"Aye, aye, Captain," Jongho said, patiently waiting at the end of the ship, ready to drop the anchor at a moments notice. Hongjoong glanced to the side and saw Seonghwa standing on the side of the deck. When the anchor kicks in and stops the ship, there's a large jolt that can throw you off-balance. It's going to be very fun to watch him trip over, he might even fall overboard if he doesn't get stable footing.

"Captain," San said as they approached an opening in the deck.

"Jongho, drop anchor," Hongjoong called out, walking slowly towards the side of the deck. Jongho quickly grabbed the wheel connecting to the anchor and begun turning it quickly to lower it down. It took about 10 seconds for the anchor to drop and land with a thud in the ground, slowing the ship down instantly. Seonghwa wasn't ready for the sudden jolt, making him stumble back, his back hitting the railing as he begun further. He whimpered in fear and his hands shot out in a hail Mary to stop himself from falling back into the water. To his surprise though, his hand grasped another and he was pulled away from the edge, into someone's side. He gasped and clenched his eyes closed as he clung to them tightly, feeling them stiffen slightly. He doesn't know who it was, but he assumed it was Wooyoung, judging from the height. Hongjoong didn't know what drove him to stop Seonghwa from falling but before he knew what he was doing, he was grabbing him and pulling him back to safety. Sure, falling into the water wouldn't kill him but for some reason his protective instincts flared up. Why the hell they flared up for him, he doesn't know but what's done is done. He may have stopped him from falling, but that doesn't mean that he's going to let him be all cuddle.

"Park, if your hands aren't off me in three seconds, I will push you overboard anyway," he said tightly. Seonghwa froze at the voice and quickly pulled back, his eyes wide. Hongjoong glared at him before straightening his shirt and walking off. Seonghwa was confused at what had happened but a light smile graced his lips. The Captain just saved him from falling over the edge and most likely almost drowning once again. He may still hate him a lot, but part of him still looks out for him. It's a slightly more comforting thought than the Captain not caring and wanting him dead.

"Everyone on deck," Hongjoong yelled out. Everyone immediately walked over to where he was, Yeosang drifting over to stand beside Seonghwa.

"Alright, listen up because I don't want to repeat myself. I don't want us spending too much time here because we don't know who is around here," Hongjoong said.

"We're going to split up into pairs. We need one pair to go to the market and vegetables, one to get more ammunition, one to get more medical supplies and one more to gather some intel and what's been going on. I'm going to do the intel obviously, but what're the rest of you doing," Hongjoong said.

"Yeosang obviously need to go get medical supplies. I'll go with him to make sure he's safe," Yunho said, glancing at the blond who smiled.

"That's fair, keep him out of trouble," Hongjoong said with a nod.

"I'll go with Wooyoung to get the food supplies we need. We'll bring them up here and clean out the rotten fruit," San said.

"Try not to spend too much, just get enough supplies to last us until Port Arland. Work together with the information you both know," Hongjoong said with a nod.

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