8. The Night of the Closing Ceremony

Start from the beginning

Eren turned around and lend Annie a hand. "Nice moves, Annie. Thanks for teaching me."

Annie took his hand and stood up. "When did I teach you?"

"Well, one's opponent could be their best teacher." Eren said.

"Hmm..." Annie said.

"By the way, who taught you this move?" Eren asked.

"My father." Annie replied.

"Your Dad came up with that move?" Eren asked.

"What does it matter?" Annie said harshly. "There's no point to any of this."

"You mean this training?" Eren asked.

"We aren't graded on our hand-to-hand combat skills." Annie said. "Most people brush it off, like them, because only the top ten trainees are allowed to join the Military Police and serve in the interior."

Jean fought Marco while Christa took on Mikasa.

"The only ones who take it seriously are naive idiots like you or just ordinary idiots." Annie said and started walking. "For some reason, in this world, the better you are at fighting Titans the further you can get from them. How do you think this farce came about?"

"I don't know." Eren said, walking with her. "That's a good question."

Annie stopped and looked away. "Maybe because it's human nature?" She turned around. "Anyway. I refuse to be stupid enough to play 'soldier' in this inane world."

"Looks like you're not much of a soldier at all." Reiner said as he passed by.

Eren shrugged his shoulders. 'Weird girl.'

The trainees were now having dinner at the mess hall.

All of them were engaged in some sort of conversation except for Eren and Mikasa.

Eren was just wondering about his weird habit blurting out random things at certain times.

He was so deep in thoughts that he stopped eating.

His thoughts were interrupted by a tap on his shoulder.

"Eren, why aren't you eating?" Mikasa asked with concern.

Eren flinched a bit and came back to his senses. "Huh?" He turned to Mikasa. "Oh sorry." He resumed eating.

Mikasa smiled. "Do you want me to feed you, Eren?" She bit her lips to surpass her laughter.

Eren looked at her, blushing. "N-no!"

"Why not?" Mikasa asked.

"We're not kids anymore, Mikasa!" Eren said.

"So what?" Mikasa asked with a smile. "Who says only kids can feed eachother?"

"Ugh..." Eren said, not knowing what else to say. He shook his head and looked down.

Mikasa giggled at his reaction and resumed eating.

Armin just smiled at them. 'When will these two get together...?' He resumed eating.

Three years had passed since the three of them joined the cadet corps.

It was now their graduation day.

"Give your hearts!" A soilder shouted.

"Yes, sir!"

"You have three options after you graduate from the Trainee Corps today! The Garrisons, which reinforces the Walls and protects each city! The Survey Corps, which risks life and limb to venture into Titan territory outside the Walls! And the Military Police, which serves under the king by policing the people and preserving order! Of course, the only ones allowed to join the Military Police are the top ten trainees who were previously named!"

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