Chapter 2:just another school day for the abernathy's

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After breakfast me and Alan went back upstairs and looked through our clothes finding one's we haven't worn yet

"We really got lucky this time amber" Alan said

"I know I'm really sorry I made us do a all nighter" I said

"It's fine besides after we are finished at dad's store we can play more ok?" He said

"Yeah and hey maybe we can find a guide afterwards?" I asked

"Sure I bet there is a book we can find to finishing the game" he replied

"Hurry up you two you'll be late for school " our mom said

"We are mom" Alan said

"Let's hurry" I said

"Yeah" Alan replied

I went into the bathroom got out of my clothes and put on some nicer ones and got out and let Alan in and went down stairs and put on my shoes and waited patiently  for my brother  he would come down fast as if he were a rhino running full speed ahead he got his shoes on and we got our bags and headed out the door

"have a good day at school and work you two" our mom said

"we will" we said at once 

we would get there just in time before the doors open and fellow students came out of the buses we locked up our bikes

"a new personal record!" I cheered

"yeah a real record is staying awake until study hall" Alan said

"oh come on I bet we cane make it until then!" I said happily 

"oh better because if dads see's any bad grades he's gonna have our hides" he replied

"well look on the bright side he'll be away for a bit" i replied

"fair point come on lets go before the bell rings" Alan said

" yeah I'll see you after school or during lunch" I said as we took our separate ways  and headed to my first class

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