"Do you want me to come with you, El?"

"You don't have to," She called back, Louis smiled at us before going after her, the two of them disappeared upstairs,

Harry cleared his throat, "Um Bobbie," I turned to him, "Shall we put the girls to bed?" He asked,

"It's a bit early isn't it?" I asked glancing at the clock on the mantelpiece, I watched as Danielle shrugged her shoulders toward him, "Alright, you grab the other two,"

With a smile, Harry picked up Annalise and Jaime in either arm, "Come on then," He grinned at me and I followed him upstairs,

As we arrived outside the girls' room, I paused and listened for only a second at Louis and Eleanor's voices coming from his room, just to make sure she was alright, then, I followed Harry into their darkening room,

Shutting the door behind me, I placed Noelle down in her cot and then took Jaime from Harry and put her down so that we could change Annalise first,

That's what we did, using our normal system, Harry changed the girls while I put them down, once we'd done all three, I hoped that they'd just sleep. But, as I put the last, Jaime down into her cot with a quick kiss and cuddle, Annalise burst into sobs,

"Damn," I heard Harry mutter under his breath,

Softly rocking Annalise back and forth, I turned to him, "What's up with you?"

Harry ran his fingers through his hair as if he were frustrated, "Nothing," He sighed turning his frown into a smile, "Nothing,"

Nodding but not feeling too convinced, I continued to comfort Annalise until eventually, fifteen minutes later, she fell asleep in my arms,

"Ssh," I whispered, Harry nodded and gripping my hand pulled me silently out of the room,

With smiles on our faces, I softly shut the door behind Harry and paused, our eyes flickered and I crossed my fingers. Silence.

"Thank god," Harry grinned, "They're asleep," He pulled me into his chest,

"What's going on?" I asked unsurely, "Why are you acting so oddly suddenly?"

Harry breathed heavily, "Don't be mad alright?"

"Ok," I stretched the word out and Harry picked me up, just by my waist as if I were incapable, down the stairs he stopped and gave me a comforting smile,

He then with one hand on my shoulder, used his other to push open the newly shut front room door to reveal darkness,

Feeling more then confused, I looked up at Harry which was when the lights flicked on, "Surprise!" The excited cries called out making me jump,

"What..." I gasped,

The front room was filled to the brim with smiling faces however not many familiar, a few of the only ones that I recognised was of Ed and the three other girls in Perrie's band who I had only ever seen briefly in photos before,

"Let's get this party started!" Harry announced, the music started pounding, "You didn't think we'd forget your eighteenth did you?"

"I thought..." I trailed off,

"I could never forget," Harry breathed tracing a finger over my cheek, with a cheesy grin, I walked further into the heart of the room,

Danielle jumped up to me, "Did we surprise you?" She asked whilst handing me a beautifully wrapped present,

"Thank you," I smiled gratefully, "And yes, this is the last thing I would've expected,"

"Bobbie," Perrie smiled, "These are the girls, Jade, Leigh-Anne, Jesy, and girls, this is Bobbie," We all murmured 'hello's' and they wished me a happy birthday before being whizzed off by Danielle to dance nearer the speaker,

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