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The rain was coming down hard in Japan. It was fall, it was prettier here than in Brooklyn. The Japanese scenery made fall feel so elegant. Yet, in your undercover apartment, Wanda and you lived in an environment that wasn't too friendly. After Wanda held or should I say played the game with Westview, the entire country wanted her head on a platter. All the government officials held her accountable. She lived in the mountains for a bit until S.H.E.I.L.D raided her house to take her back to the states. You were a mercenary working odd jobs. Sometimes you work for the good guys, most of the time you worked for the bad. Your 'origin' story was a dark mess and you never spoke about it. You just hid it under the rug, telling people you were born as a super soldier. No one believed you, however, though no one wanted to ask for the reason they didn't want to get hurt or killed. Super soldiers weren't born. They are made. How you were made was a sad story that inflicts you trauma that still haunts you to this day. You can never change what happened but you can make the best of it. That's how you got on to Director Fury's radar. You were taken in by S.H.E.I.L.D after you were hired by Zemo to do some assassinations. The director gave you two options. Either help go undercover with Wanda Maximoff or they hand you over to the American government where they hide you in a CIA wet cell. You chose the easiest option.
You sat on the windowsill leaving a crack of the window open. You looked from the corner of your eye seeing Wanda laying in her bed reading a novel she recently bought over a cup of tea. You didn't know why Wanda hated you so much. It could have been the fact that she thought she was better than you because she was the all 'Mighty Avenger' and could never work to kill for a living, or just hated the fact you reminded her a lot of her past too. A little too much. You both were Sokoivan. Her accent was washed away while yours was layered on thick. Though sometimes you catch yourself mixing your Sokoivan with Russian at some points. You mastered both.
"You know how much I hate you smoking in my room Y/n? What if a neighbour calls in? You do realize it will blow our cover." Her eyebrow raised tilting her head at you. Giving you a concerned look. "Wanda. You understand we're the only tenants in the goddamn building right? Besides, if my room had a window then you wouldn't see me as you wanted." You used to smoke joints often but on every mission, you thought you stored them in a safe place on your person, until a fight happened and you had squished joints. So you thought the easiest and cheapest option was to get a weed pen. No odour, no mess. Easy and relaxing after a tough mission. To make you forget what you did that day.
"Go smoke in the living room. There's a window that opens there. It's like you come in here just to bother me." She placed a bookmark on her page, prompting it on her nightstand. Her arms crossed, she shifted her body around her bed making her oversized white longsleeved shirt fall off her shoulder. "Maybe that's it Nebun. Maybe I just want to bug you. It's hard to talk to four walls all day long when you have another person sleeping across the hallway." You inhaled your pen once more safely sliding it into your pyjama pants.
"God I hate when you call me that! Why can't you get over using our language when we have no home country anymore?" Wanda lifted her sheets over her body stepping out of her bed. You saw her shiver running to face you. She was only wearing her white shirt. All you hoped was she was wearing underwear at least. "It's funny you think your country is gone when we are the country of Sokoiva! A country isn't a place without its people! Why can't you get over you can't hide who you are!" You stood tall in front of her even though you were two inches shorter than her. The superhero serum gave the power to kill Captain America, not give your legs more length. You two were going to play the game again. Who can put enough holes in the walls today? You quickly looked down noticing Wanda's red mist started to appear.
"I don't need you to tell me. Who. I am." Her hand whipped over your head ready to throw you into the hallway. You thanked God for your quick flexes hooked onto Wanda's wrist crashing into the wall behind her breaking the drywall.
"Not today sweetheart. You can't hide from your past just as much as I can. Believe me, I've fucking tried! You always have someone in your past who comes back just to remind you of all the pain you caused! All the pain they caused to you! So yeah, I'm still pretty fucking proud to be from Sokovia before it became a lake! You should be too! You saved everyone from Ultron while I was graduating from the fucking Red Room! I couldn't save my people! You did! Now you just want to forget they exist!! If you do that Wanda you're no better than those American officials who want you dead. All of us dead!!" You loosened your grip feeling Wanda's wrist throbbing. You were already leaving a bruise on her fingers. You know you went too far letting your strength get the better of you.
"Y/n...I'm sorry you felt that way but you don't know what I went through. You didn't have to hide movies and music behind picture frames! You didn't have to hide underneath a bed for 2 days with your only brother thinking a bomb might go off! You didn't have to go to orphanages and then volunteer to get out of poverty!" Her other hand was free getting ready to hit you in your stomach until you caught it again but this time you lightly threw it over her head pinning both against the wall.
"Oh, you had luxury huh? That must've been a treat for you! You had a choice in the matter to be created, how touching! I was in Sokoiva until I was ten years old. Let me paint you a picture so you don't have to read my mind, shall we? My father was a scientist and my mother was Russian, we never met until I was 15. I lived mostly with my father until he was called to do a top secret mission for the Russian government. So instead I lived with my grandmother outside of Novi Grad until she unfortunately died. I was shipped off to my mother only to find out she was one of the most elite and one of the first Black Widows in Russia! She and five others helped Dreykov create the Black Widow program. Which might I add is was where I was shipped off to! I completed the program top of my class to graduate with Natasha's sister Yelena and was heading into my first ever mission until my father pulled me out last minute." You had to catch your breath. You felt tears form in your eyes trying to hold your composer.
"You done yet? This position is getting a little uncomfortable." Wanda huffed showing no emotion.
"Nope, not yet you pain in the ass! We're getting to the best part." You let go of her hands seeing a deep purple ring around Wanda's wrists. Your hand rested on her chest guiding her to the foot of her bed making her sit down.
"My father was a good man. A very good man. Even though they had him working with the Russian HYDRA headquarters. They wanted a serum to kill the real super soldiers. Someone they couldn't beat. My father did just that. One vile. One mega super soldier serum. His moral conscience got the best of him. He destroyed all of his work except for the vile. We were on the run, we almost lost them until a team of Widows came on our doorstep. He refused to give it up. So 16 your old me had to hide as my mother killed her husband. My father. I had no choice but to take the serum. I killed all of the Widows. All the girls I grew up with in that fucking room! All my mother did was cower running away from her fate! So yes Wanda! There's my fucking story. If you think yours is bad just remember about others around you! Enjoy your pity party. While I enjoy the sweet memories I had with my father in Sokoiva." A tear fell running down your cheek, you quickly wiped it away feeling so angry over Wanda. You turned walking out of her bedroom to yours.
You heard Wanda try to speak your name but she choked. She faintly whispered out all that she could muster up. She was too stunned.
Wanda knew it was true, that's why she stayed silent. You listened to her feet touch the laminate floor making little ticking noises, becoming louder. Your lights weren't on. You sat in the dark on the floor next to your bed. You weren't crying or at least you didn't think you were. When you heard Wanda's feet stop you peered over to the door opened, gleaming in the orange light from the hallway.  Your eyes darted over not realizing you were crying. The tears were too scared to fall so they built up waiting for the right moment.
"Y/n? Ce faci pe podea?" Wanda turned on the light. Her footsteps increased, your back was against your bed knowing the mattress moved. She sat on the edge of the bed staring down at you.
"Huh? And I thought you forgot your first language." You sniffled, pulling the bottom of your tank top up to wipe away your tears. "You've come to tell me off for hurting you again right?"  You looked up at the ceiling trying not to form any tears.
"No dragă. I didn't come to do that." She knelt down, sitting down beside you. "I came to see if you were okay, I think I went below the belt." She huffed twiddling her fingers together staring at her hands.
"Yeah, you think." A laugh crept on your lips. She knew you were being sarcastic.
"I also think you were a little tough me too Y/n." Wanda moved her hair behind her ear cocking her head. 
"I'll apologize for leaving you bruises but not for what I said. I meant it, Wanda. You think you can become an Avenger and just leave all of your problems behind. Not all of us had that privilege." You gritted your teeth.
Wanda got up pacing around the floor in front of you. "You thought I wanted to become an Avenger!? It was the only way to leave Sokoiva! While you were asleep in your cradle my building was bombed! Do you have cute little memories of your father? while I saw my parents die!! You cannot talk about hurt here when you were shipped off to Russia before you were in a motherfucking training bra!! So you're going to apologize for all of it! Before I blow up this entire fucking block!" Her eyes were enraged in red. She lifted herself into the air with the flick of her wrist.
"Wanda, enough! We both had/have shitty lives but I don't think destroying this entire block will change things! You have to realize that everyone struggles with their past, but we all just can't magically make your family come back! If it was that easy do you think I'd be doing what I have been doing all these years? No." You stood up from your spot looking up at the red head floating in front of you. "Yes-...I am sorry for what I said to you. And I'm sorry I hurt your wrists, I didn't mean to be so forceful. You just get me so mad, sitting up there on your high horse. Thinking you are better than everyone else just because everyone is scared of you. Here's the kicker sweetheart, I'm not! Kill me if you want, I don't give a shit anymore. Go ahead, break another bone. It's just another day in here. We break a wall or two. You silently cry in your room for an hour before you go to sleep, I try to push in the bone you dislocate in the bathroom. Then we all do it again tomorrow night." You trotted over to Wanda clasping her torso and pulling her down so her feet touched the floor.
She was silent again. You left her speechless. Her tears weren't angry anymore. They were sad tears. You could tell; the way her lip quivered trying to close her lips, her hands shook.
"Y/n...I didn't know you can hear me cry at night.." Her eyes darted down leaving tear stains across her cheeks. Her red mist lightened, disappearing the crimson hue in her eyes restoring to her deep emerald colour.
Your hand lifted Wanda's jaw raising her eyes to meet yours. "Yes detka, I've always known. I know why you keep reading that same damn book on your nightstand. It's Vision's book. He wrote little notes on each paragraph." Wanda leaned into your hand on her jaw. Her body press against yours. Both of your feet touched together.
"How do you know so much about me, when I know nothing about you? That's not fair Y/n." Her hand reached up latching onto yours pulling it away from our face. Your fingers intertwined with hers noticing how clamy she was. The only thing you had in common with her in size was her hands. Your biceps were the size of her thighs, but your hands were still girly.
"Honestly Wanda, how could you know who I am. When I don't know myself. I can remember who I was before the Red Room. Everything else is a blur. The only thing I remember of who I am is what happens in this apartment.." You sighed still having your one hand on Wanda's hip. Your thumb stroked her softly, still locked in on her eyes.
"That's all you remember? Everything on these walls? Not very much to look at." Wanda let go of your hand running her hand up to your shoulder.
"No beautiful. I remember everything you do around these walls. The way you make your coffee, the way you always make your favourite meal when you're depressed, that time you almost fell asleep in the tub!..." You both laughed, non-coincidentally touching both of your foreheads together.
"Oh shut up, that was one time! Once! You always have to bring it up huh?" Her nose crinkled allowing a smile to shine through.
"I gotta make sure you don't forget." You smirked only allowing one part of your lip to rise. Wanda extended her hand further up your head, running her fingers through your hair. She went on her tippy-toes meeting your gaze perfectly.
"How about we make some good memories for the both of us tonight?" Her hand dropped grazing your ear. "We forget about our little fight and make a new night routine." Her knee rose between you, rubbing your crotch. She twinkled shoving you down onto your bed.
"That sounds pretty damn good to me Wanda." Both of your hands were on her hips as she straddled yours. Her hands went underneath your tank top pulling it up over your head.
"Vrei să te ating, dragă?" Her teeth tugged roughly on her bottom lip, ripping off her white shirt. She was straddling you only wearing black panties, nothing underneath. Her boobs swayed over you letting her lips smash into yours. Her lips were so soft on yours, allowing yours to open pushing her tongue in. She touched yours motioning you to play along. Yours got in with no ease.
"Mereu..." Your lips let go whispering as you spoke between her lips. Your fingertips grazed either side of her cheeks pulling her to your kiss again. Everything about her you loved, even when she went crazy. Everything about Wanda was soft and gentle, you just never got to see that for the fact you two were cooped up together for so long. You both were about to break this hatred sometimes right? You thought to yourself. Maybe tonight was the night it broke.
Your hands still had a firm grasp on Wanda's face, she had other plans with hers. Her tiny hands slid between you both yanking your pyjama pants down with your panties with it. Her hands twitched going into your lips, you didn't know how aroused you were until she first touched you. You bucked your thighs against her. It was the first time in a long time you've been touched this way.
"Ah!.." Wanda's finger circled your clit gradually. Your body tensed up underneath her. She grinned pecking your cheek, leaving traces of her breath.
"Don't cum yet, please don't cum detka." Her whisper gave goosebumps all over you.  Her just saying not to cum made your opening tighten worse. Wanda stopped playing with your clit, moving further down dipping her middle finger into your opening. Your breath hitched looking down at her handy-work.
"Please, please, please Y/n. Don't cum now. Not now." Her hand started to thrust rapidly, adding her ring finger in your pussy. You coated her fingers making it hard for her to stay in. Her cheek pressed against yours. You couldn't stop yourself from all the sounds you were making, your moans were becoming loud as Wanda kept increasing her speed. Your entire body reacted, shifting your hips to match her hand motions. You rode her fingers, bringing your walls grip around her.
"Fuck! W-Wanda, oh god!" Your climax was going to hit you like a ton of bricks. You came to that realization as Wanda stopped pumping her fingers in you, letting yourself ride it out. She slipped out shoving her glazed fingers in her mouth. You couldn't believe it. Wanda won't let you cum. You laid on your bed watching your thighs twitch hitting Wanda's hips as she was between them. She stood up to her knees, sucking your juices off her hand.
"You taste so good Y/n.." Your legs would not stop shaking, you could not get over Wanda not letting you finish. You kept tripping over your tongue, trying to pipe up. Wanda's smile grew bigger. You knew she read your mind.
"You wanna cum so bad huh? Tell me you want to cum with your words." Her hands rode up your stomach underneath your grey tank top ripping it up the middle. Your boobs bulged out moving in motion. Her hands traced further up cupping both of your breasts in either hand. Her lanky fingers froze your skin to the touch, digging her nails into your chest in a circular movement.
"I want to cum..p-please let me cum!" Any faint touch made your sensitivity grow stronger. You needed the release desperately.
Wanda laughed under her breath, biting the side of her lip. Her hands let go of your chest; shuffling her body down, her knees touched your ankles.
"Good girl. I'll make you the best memory you'll never forget." She tilted her head back brushing her hair back behind her shoulders. Her head bent down between your thighs ripping them apart leaving your slit opening to her. Your entire being was being overstimulated, every little sense that passed through your body made your hairs stand up straight. Everything became too real when Wanda's tongue pressed against your clit dragging it down. Your body lost all control, your hands grasped the bedsheets underneath you.
You stared down watching Wanda's head move between your legs. Her eyes met yours tilted her head slightly playing her hand on your stomach, softly stroking your skin.
"Oh you love this, don't you?" She hummed between your folds slipping her tongue faintly into your core. She twitched her tongue inside you hitting every little nerve you have, your little moans became deafening using your other hand to cover your mouth. The pleasure was overcoming your whole body. Your breathing hitched feeling the same thing you felt early, you were cumming. Wanda felt it too leaving your folds working on giving your clit some much-needed attention.
"Yes!..oh my god..." Your hand grasping your bedsheets intertwined with your fingers ripping a few threads creating a little tear. Your back arched lifting yourself off the mattress.
"Come on detka, cum for me. Te rog, te iubesc." Wanda's hands laid firmly on the tops of your thighs clenching roughly. Wanda's voice made your climax arose, crashing into you.
You let go of your mouth; allowing your moans to turn into a loud scream. You extended your hand down resting it on Wanda's head. Your fingers brushed through her fiery orange strands. "Fuck! Wanda!" Your orgasm has never hit you this hard before, never have you ever come this big. Though, you remember you're never the one on the bed.
"Good girl, Y/n. Arăți atât de frumos." Her head looked up moving up from your thighs hovering over you. Her mouth and chin were sparkling with your juices all over her.
"Si tu esti frumoasa iubirea mea." You reached above your head brushing your thumb against her cheekbone. Wanda bent down pressing her wet lips onto yours. Her warmth bled into you. The warm tingly feeling spread throughout you and her. Your hands ran along her back making her cold skin warm up. You both were connected as one.
The rain pounded the roof of your apartment, only hearing the storm and you two's breathe in between kisses. You sat up straight holding Wanda on your lap, you two were so involved in each other that you didn't realize how late it was into the night. Nor did you care. Wanda let go of your lips sighing a heavy breath.
"Maybe I should try your weed pen." She giggled whipping your hair away from your sweaty forehead.
"Well if you can find my pants I'll let you." You cracked your neck looking over at your clock that sat solemnly on your nightstand. "Holy shit Wand, it's 3 am." Once you realized what the time was your body gazed out, continuously yawning.
"Your right Y/n. Maybe it is time to go to bed." Her warmth left you as she got off your bed stretching her legs. She took two steps behind down, picking up your fleece pyjama pants. Tossing them on the foot of your bed. She through back on her white long-sleeved shirt adjusting the hem on her shoulders tip toeing to the doorframe.
"What are you doing Wanda? This bed is big enough for both of us. Come sleep with me. Please?" You stood onto your feet, pulling the comforter down.
"I wish I can detka, but I think I left on a candle in my room. I'll sleep with you tomorrow night. I promise. We still have to create more memories." She winked as you watched her ass sway to her room.
"Alright beautiful, goodnight." You grabbed your pants rising them to your hips. Your hand slipped into your pocket looking for your weed pen, finding the pocket you left it empty. You scanned the floor looking for it coming to a realization.
"Hey! Give that back thief!" You laughed yelling throughout your apartment.
"I don't know what you're talking about Y/n." You heard Wanda's voice as she choked trying not to cough. Seeing faint smoke near the foot of her bed.
"Uh huh bullshit!" You laughed running back into her room.

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