Liu Yunfei looked at Angie, and then looked at Yu Kun all the time. I don't know what she was thinking.

Until Yu Kun noticed Liu Yunfei's eyes and looked up at her.

Liu Yunfei looked at him in a hurry and smiled.

Yu Kun looked blankly.

Liu Yunfei didn't care about his attitude. At this time, another boy invited him to sing.

In the corner, Yu Kun is also looking for a topic to chat. Angie is now addicted to swiping her mobile phone and doesn't pay much attention to him.

Yu Kun glanced at Angie's mobile phone interface - she was reading comics. Yu Kun didn't understand the content of this, so naturally she couldn't find a topic in this regard.

So he found a few interesting things, but they were perfunctory by Angie.

Outsiders looked at it and thought they were having a good conversation.

Angie didn't put away her phone until she was about to end.

Yu Kun said he wanted to see her off, but Angie refused.

Angie has the same lady's nature.

Seeing her insistence, Yu Kun stopped talking.

Just as the driver came to pick him up, he told Angie to go back early and pay attention to safety before he left.

Angie: "Brebye."

Yu Kun got into the car. When the partition was raised, his face suddenly became indifferent.

He pulled the collar of his shirt with a disgusting look, untied a few buttons, and his neat and beautiful feeling was immediately destroyed.

He doesn't like to dress like this, but Angie Caspar likes people who dress like this.

Therefore, Yu Kun disguised himself, and he was a popular figure at school. He graduated from the grade jump, studied well, looked good, and had a good family background.

Sure enough, he just brushed his sense of existence in front of Angie or her friends with snacks and means.

Before long, he waited for Angie Caspar's pursuit.

After rejecting three times in a row, Yu Kun pretended to agree to Angie's pursuit.

Yu Kun sat leaning back in the back seat. After a while, his mobile phone rang.

He picked up and looked at it. It was Liu Yunfei who sent a message inviting him to have dinner together, just her and him.

Yu Kun's expression was unclear. He smiled at the corners of his mouth and replied that he agreed.

On this side, after Yu Kun got into the car, Angie received a call from home.

She continued, "Dad, well, I just came out of the bar. When will you come to China?"

Mr. Reese, Caspar's ruler, said on the phone, "When I finish dealing with something, I'll go to China. Baby, how do you get along with Yu?"

Angie: "That's it, Dad."

Mr. Reese's voice was low and magnetic, and he said with a smile, "Oh, Dad's baby, don't really fall in love with him."

"So he and his parents are both hypocritical and greedy people. It's okay to play, but don't take it seriously."

"Yu Jia, our Casper family's wooden warehouse to open up the smart car market in China, okay, my baby."

While listening to the phone, Angie shook the handmade small leather bag and walked slowly.

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora