- Want to cover it.

Liu Bohuai smiled softly.

Li Qingzhou's ears turned red. He buried it in the quilt and whispered.

Liu Bohuai's ears pointed clearly. The sentence was - "Ahuai, get out quickly and don't look at me."


After breakfast, Liu Bohuai is going to take Li Qingzhou down the mountain.

Li Qingzhou was a little reluctant.

Sitting in a wheelchair, he looked at the fence of the tree house stairs, looked at the scenery between the forest and the lake, and the clear sky.

- Green, blue, red, etc. shine with each other and have a panoramic view.

Liu Bohuai said, "It's too cold in winter here. I'm afraid you can't stand it. I'll show you the scenery of early spring after the Spring Festival."

"Well, okay." Li Qingzhou nodded and agreed, and his eyebrows were bent.

When they came, the two almost broke a layer of window paper.

At the time of the two, the relationship between them became clear, and the atmosphere was not very different when they got along with each other.

However, Li Qingzhou has not yet wanted to make it clear in front of his family, especially his sister and younger brother. This kind of thing has to be taken slowly and not in a hurry.

Liu Bohuai sent people to the villa and restrained a lot.

Li Hanyu is at home and come out to open the door.

Li Qingzhou was puzzled and asked his sister, "Is there no class today?"

Li Hanyu: "There is no class, brother. The freshman class is easy."

In fact, there was a class, but she asked for leave.

Li Hanyu's eyes swept his brother and Liu Bohuai without a trace, and finally fell on the tight collar wrapped in Li Qingzhou.

There, I can't see anything there.

However, sometimes, girls' intuition is often the most accurate.

There is no need to confirm it, she thinks so.

Therefore, when looking at Liu Bohuai again, Li Hanyu couldn't help but feel uncomfortable that his brother was robbed and couldn't be returned. He bit his lip and stopped talking.

She walked over to push Li Qingzhou's wheelchair.

Liu Bohuai took the opportunity to let go and said, "Tomorrow I'll pick you up to the company and go to bed early."

Li Qingzhou nodded.

After Liu Bohuai left, Li Hanyu pushed Li Qingzhou into the door, carefully wording, and asked the topic, "Brother, what are you playing with... Mr. Liu on the mountain?"

"Is there no signal in the mountains? I called, but I didn't get through."

In fact, before entering the mountain, Li Qingzhou talked about the signal.

That mountain is more primitive and almost undeveloped, and it is even more inaccessible to deeper mountains.

It's normal that there is no signal.

Usually by radio.

Li Qingzhou explained, talking about the red maple leaf forest, tree houses and lakes on the mountain.

Li Hanyu observed quietly as Li Qingzhou was talking - when he saw his brother talking about this, the smile between the corners of his mouth and eyebrows could not be hidden.

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Where stories live. Discover now