"So, I scolded her--ton..." Yu Zhe said with trembling lips.

Because of memories, I choked.

Lv Meishan sat next to her and handed him a tissue.

Yu Zhe took over and thanked him in a hoarse voice.

Li Qingzhou did not open his mouth and listened silently. He seemed to guess that Yu Zhe's sister should be...

"Just that afternoon, my sister cut her wrist and committed suicide." Yu Zhe covered his face and cried in pain.

"It's all because of me. I was the last person to crush her spirit... I knew she was struggling, but I didn't pull her up..."

Yu Li fell into the abyss.

Lv Meishan comforted, "Azhe, it's not your fault. It's Du Li's crazy."

Dong Lin also persuaded.

Yu Zhe calmed down and continued to speak with grief. Li Qingzhou heard the reason behind him.

Yu Li committed suicide by cutting her wrist in the bathroom and did not rescue her.

That night, their parents and families all came to Yanjing from other places.

While tidying out Yu Li's relics, Yu Zhe accidentally found her notebook hidden under the bed - very thick, with dense words on it.

The notebook records the drabs and drabs of Yu Li and Du Chenwei when they got along.

Start with their acquaintance and fall in love.

The original text is undoubtedly sweet, but as Yu Zhe keeps turning the page, the following text record gradually darkened...

'Today I did the wrong thing again. Although Ali scolded me, he comforted me gently later. He said that I was so stupid. If it hadn't been for his protection, I might have been cheated in the future. He said that he would love me - I'm so happy in my life.'

'I was wrong again... Ali asked me to reflect at home. He confiscated my mobile phone and wallet, didn't allow me to go out, and didn't allow me to have dinner.'

'I feel so bad. I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. Alex, come back quickly.'

'I'm pregnant, but Ali scolded me for deliberately conceiving a child, which affected his future... He doesn't want to get married yet. Why is he like this? I want to break up.'

'Alex came back to coax me. He gave me a lot of promises to have an abortion and said that he would marry me in the future.'


There is still a lot of content later.

Du Li asked her to kneel down when she made a mistake, write a reflection review, and read it while kneeling.

He described her insulting words, scolded her, and even beat her...

But Yu Zhe didn't even know these things.

Yu Zhe said in a hoarse voice, "Du Li controls my sister and lets her rely on him. He can't do it without him."

"My family and I don't know about my sister's pregnancy and knock..."

"Finally, my sister wrote in her diary that Du Li didn't love her anymore. He fell in love with other women. She was so painful that she wanted to die, but she couldn't bear to part with her family..."

Yu Zhe's emotions suddenly became excited: "She was obviously brainwashed by Du Li!"

"She didn't realize that Du Li was an asshole and a scumbag at that time! She also thinks that it's her own fault for Du Li to break up.

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Where stories live. Discover now