Li Qingzhou finished reading it and said, "Dong, your research is very good."

Zhuang Wenwei said carefully, "That canoe... After this exoskeleton-assisted walker is launched, do you want to wear it?"

"How about you and my grandfather preparing a set for you?"

That's what Grandpa Zhuang means.

They know that Li Qingzhou is very concerned about the disability of his legs.

Once upon a time, if someone accidentally mentioned it... The face of the canoe would become very bad and slightly dark.

Although the situation is much better now, Grandpa Zhuang and uncle Zhuang Wenwei will still take into account Li Qingzhou's mood.

Zhuang Shanming is the smallest generation and doesn't say anything.

Li Qingzhou meditated for a moment and said, "Brother, uncle, this exoskeleton-assisted walker can prepare a set for me. I will practice wearing it when I have time, but..."

"But what?"

Grandpa Zhuang first had a happy face, and then asked, "Is there anything difficult for light boat?"

Li Qingzhou shook his head and said, "I'm just wondering if I can combine intelligent AI with exoskeleton-assisted walkers to integrate more advanced technology..."

Just like the intelligent exoskeleton support he studied before.

It is small, extremely light, and can be perfectly fit through the leg muscles and bone lengths of different human bodies.

Of course, the most important of these is the existence of smart chips...

After the company is stable and the auto city is officially opened, Li Qingzhou intends to prepare for the intelligent technology biological laboratory.

At the very least, it should be established initially.

Grandpa's research is an opportunity.

Grandpa Zhuang couldn't help looking at Zhuang Wenwei.

He frowned and thought, "The direction of research you mentioned is really feasible..."

"But in this way, the research and development of exoskeleton-assisted walkers in all aspects has become more difficult and the production is undoubtedly more complicated."

"What's more, we don't understand intelligence..."

Zhuang Shanming said, "But my cousin understands."

"Canoe, do you want to..." Zhuang Wenwei looked puzzled.

Li Qingzhou said, "I want to see if I can integrate intelligent technology into the exoskeleton-assisted walker..."

In the small yard, Li Hanyu was leading his cousin Zhuang Youhe to play gobang. Li Xusheng sat next to him and soon looked into the room and again.

Grandma Zhuang smiled and said, "Sheng Sheng is so sticking to her brother. Didn't she think about it soon after leaving?"

Li Xusheng blushed and hung his little head shyly.

At this moment, the sound of wheelchairs turning came from the room. Li Xusheng jumped off the stone stool and ran away: "Brother, grandfather, uncle..."

Li Qingzhou caught his younger brother.

Zhuang Danming couldn't help squatting down and pinching his little cousin's cheek and smiled, "Why don't you call me?"

Li Xusheng was silent and whispered shyly, "Cousin."

Li Qingzhou looked up and said, "Grandpa, grandma, let's leave first. You two old people should go to bed early and pay attention to your health..."

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang