chapter 7

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The next morning, Reid woke up in a bed. A bed he definitely did not recognize. Thus, panic overwhelmed him. Then he started to remember what happened last night. His face was immediately washed red with embarrassment.

He looked around him and saw a glass of water on the nightstand. Assuming the obvious, he downed the entire glass. Then, he got out of Morgan's bed and walked down the hallway, only to be greeted with a sight. He saw Morgan standing in the kitchen, shirtless and cooking breakfast. Reid instantly turned away. The floor all of a sudden became incredibly interesting.

Morgan saw him, "Hey kid, hope you slept well."

Reid's throat was hoarse. But Morgan already knew what he was looking for.

"Don't worry. I put on a pot of coffee already. And I'm making you breakfast because sometimes I swear you never eat," Morgan started making their plates, "and afterwards, we are gonna have a long, hearty, conversation about what went down last night."

Reid only nodded.


They ate while watching TV, or Morgan did, at least. Reid was too busy feeling awkward and awful for his intrusion on Morgan last night. He picked at his food and took a few bites, not having that big of an appetite.

Suddenly, "Okay, kid. We gotta talk about what happened."

"I'm so sorry," Reid rushed out.


Reid looked down and started fidgeting his hands, "I'm so, so sorry. I know I shouldn't have come by last night and, I know, you probably don't want to see me ever again. I'm just-"

Morgan interrupted him, stepping closer and gently grabbing his shoulders, "Woah, woah, slow down, kid. You have no reason to be sorry. Just... tell me what happened, from the beginning."

So Spencer did. He told Morgan about how he needed to distract himself from all of the pain and emotions he was experiencing. About how he dressed up, went to a bar, and started drinking. He told him about meeting Cody, and about how he was ready to give himself to him. Reid told Morgan how he changed his mind last minute and that he wanted to go home. He told him about how Cody didn't listen, and how he continued to touch him in places that were too sensitive. He told him about how he was struggling and fighting, so hard that he hurt himself.

For a moment, Morgan didn't say anything. Considering he had also experienced similar things he was truly speechless, mostly out of fury but also out of compassion for his friend. Finally, he spoke up, "I'm so sorry, Pretty Boy, I had no idea."

Reid flinched at the nickname. Cody called him that. Cody.

"...Kid? Is there anything that I can do? I can-"

Reid decided there wasn't going to be a better opportunity than now to ask him. This is why they're in this ridiculous situation, right? So might as well get it out of the way.

"Morgan... Why do you call me Pretty Boy?" Reid interrupted.

Morgan was taken aback, "What? What kind of question is that?"

"I-I just, why? I mean, are you mocking me? Am I that ugly and undesirable that you have to make fun of me?" Reid exclaimed.

"What? No, not at all! I-"

"Then why? I-I don't understand, please. Just tell me," Reid begged.

Morgan sighed, "Well... Because you're pretty."

If not before, now Reid was for sure confused. He stood from where he was sitting, "Is that supposed to be some sort of joke? B-because, because if it is, then it was not funny a-and I don't appreciate you making jokes right now!"

"Spencer, I'm not joking! Do you seriously think you're not attractive?" Morgan asked in a raised voice. He stood as well.

"Yes! I m-mean, statistically speaking, people are more attracted to fit, muscular bodies. And I don't have that. People are also attracted to extroverted and confident people, which, you know, I am nowhere near being!" Spencer replied in a stressed, hysterical voice, just before breaking into tears.

Morgan's face contorted into a concerned and worried expression.

Reid sobbed and looked away before he continued, in a hateful tone, "I honestly don't think I'm attractive. I don't like my features. I wish they were different. My facial features are so unlikeable. My lips are so unkissable. I slouch. My hair is too long and greasy. My voice is cracky. I'm built like a square - I'm so tall. I'm just... a skinny, awkward loser. I wish... I was different."

"Why would you wish for something like that? Stop putting yourself down! You're beautiful, smart, funny. You're one of a kind. Take pride in yourself. And your features. Don't wish you looked like someone else," He stepped closer to Reid.

He turned to look at him, "Morgan... Why?"

"Because... it's the truth. I'm your friend, and I love you. I'm sure that I, and many other people, would never stop loving you, no matter what you look like. You're not a loser, and your hair is lovely, and I love your lips, and you're not a square," there was a slight pause, "but you are very tall," Morgan said with a smile on his face. 

Reid looked down in shame.

Morgan walked closer and grabbed Spencer's face. Gently guiding it so that they were making eye contact, "There are so many things I love about you that I would hate for you to change."

Reid followed his gaze and with glossy eyes, he looked into Morgan's. Then down at his lips. "Ah! U-umm..." Reid panicked. He stepped back and fell back onto the couch.

Morgan didn't hesitate or break. He followed Reid's movements, "Pretty Boy?"

Please kiss me. Reid hoped in his head.

Reid hesitated, "...Yes?"

"Can I kiss you?"

Reid leaned forward, bracing himself with his hands, and pulled Morgan's face to his. Morgan was surprised at the sudden movement but quickly recovered and grabbed Reid's head with both of his hands. Tangling his fingers in his hair.

At first, Reid has an out-of-body moment. He can't believe this is actually happening, he can't understand what he did to make this possible, because, according to his calculations, he messed up. He was so sure he messed up on so many different levels that this scenario and this future were impossible. He was sure that Morgan was pissed off at him up until, like, two minutes ago. But for once in his life, he tells his mind to shut up, and it actually does.

His kiss is soft; his hands are rough and calloused yet gentle against his skin. He tastes like mint. Reid thought.

One of Morgan's hands then drifted down Reid's spine, his palm cupping the small of his back. Reid squeaked slightly in surprise. Morgan chuckled. Reid could feel his smile against his lips and he shivered. 

After a while, they both pulled a part, panting and smiling. Both of their eyes blown wide, lips swollen and Reid's hair a mess.

Morgan looks different, his eyes darker, deeper. Reid turns away and blushes at this observation.

Deciding to break the ice, Reid muttered, still out of breath, "That was a pointless question."

They both laughed a little.

"Not pointless."


Kairosclerosis n. - the moment you realize that you're currently happy - consciously trying to savor the feeling. That was how Spencer Reid was feeling right now. And he was sure that Derek Morgan was feeling just the same.

A/N: Leave comments!

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