chapter 4

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Reid spoke with his mom for a few hours. Realizing it was getting late, he said goodbye to his mom and headed out.

Instead of calling Morgan as he had promised, he called a cab back to the station. He could not face Morgan right now. He was too tired. Not only physically, but mentally also. Tired of wondering why he kept calling him that. And he could not face those questions right now.

Back at the station, he was glad to find that his team had found multiple breaks in the case. They were getting ready to raid the unsub's secondary location in hopes of rescuing his latest victim.

Reid was looking around, trying to get caught up.

Morgan saw him, "Hey, Pretty Boy, how's your mom doin'?"

"She's doing good," damn that name.

He quickly diverted his attention back to his team, engaging in their tracking of the unsub.

Fortunately, the team successfully pursued and talked down the unsub, rescuing a young man in the process. A rare, triumphant day.


They were back on the jet on their way home. JJ and Emily had fallen asleep, Hotch was filing reports, and Rossi was sitting in the corner, probably having an existential crisis.

Reid was praying to the science Gods that Morgan didn't try to talk to him. Thankfully, it seemed as though his prayers were answered. Morgan simply sat next to him and turned on his music. For that, Reid was grateful.


The jet landed. Reid woke up as he heard his name being called. He took a deep breath, breathing in a hint of cologne. He slowly lifted his head. Realizing he was resting on something, he turned to look at what it was. Once his eyes met a very familiar shoulder, he quickly moved away, horrified.

Morgan chuckled, "Don't worry, Pretty Boy, it's just me."

Reid was once again left flustered and red, "I-I know that," he nervously fixed his hair. Though he would never admit it out loud, that was one of the most comfortable naps of his life.

They all filed out of the jet. Hotch stated, "Everyone head home. It's been a long day. We can start again on Monday."

Everyone sighed out of gratitude. Reid grabbed his bag and gripped it tightly. Morgan quickly followed him.

"Hey, kid, let me give you a ride home. It's super late and you're obviously tired. I am not going to let you take the Metro."

Reid was too tired to protest.

The ride was as normal as ever and Morgan was his flirtatious and fun self as usual. And if Reid was honest, it was nice. They laughed and joked around like usual. Nothing felt weird or off. Reid smiled, glad that he got to spend more time with Morgan, without it being awkward.

Eventually, they reached Reid's apartment complex. Reid started getting out of the car and Morgan followed. They walked up to Reid's apartment in silence.

Reid entered his place and Morgan stood outside the door.

Running on incredibly low brain power, Reid spoke, "Goodnight Derek... See you Monday."

Morgan raised his eyebrows in surprise. He never calls me that. He replied, "Goodnight... Spencer, see ya'..."

Reid closed his door. Morgan stood outside for a few moments out of pure bliss, before heading back to his car.

That following morning, Reid woke up with a slight headache and a prompt reminder of his farewell with Morgan last night.

He rubbed his eyes of sleep and sighed out of downheartedness.

That was the moment when he decided he would distract himself from his feelings. Thankfully for him, it was Saturday. More specifically, Saturday night. A perfect time to start his sidetracking.


He had showered and gotten dressed. He had decided on a purple-pink pastel skirt along with a floral shirt. He had always wanted to experiment with clothes, so why not start now?

He looked at himself in the mirror. Pretty. At least he felt pretty this time. He smiled. The colors really complimented him.

He started heading out. After reaching his car, he realized, he didn't know where to go. Considering his social outing experiences have mainly been with the team. Eventually, he decided on the nearest bar to his apartment.

He began his route, ignoring the thoughts in the back of his head telling him that this was a bad idea. What could possibly go wrong?

A/N: Leave comments and tell me what you think!

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