You Entrapped My Heart And Gave Me Courage

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You entrapped my heart and gave me courage,
One where the strength made me to fly,
Where you gathered all of my hopes and wishes,
And told me to look at the sky of the sunset and make a wish before the stars,
But I looked at you and said, "why would I need to make a wish, when I have all of my dreams right here, right now with me and my wings"?
And you said, "well every butterfly needs a push of courage to fly with her wings"
and I responded by saying, "well what if I am not ready to fly with my wings just yet"?
And you said, " Well how will you know if you don't fly, my butterfly"?
And while the words seemed to be my spark of wisdom everything was as crystal clear as the blue skies of the Lillie's.

From my Lily, to my butterfly Where stories live. Discover now