Muzan Kibutsuji

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Gyutaro's crow did infact send you their location and you were a bit surprised to see they weren't that far away. After running for about 30 minutes you arrived to see them already finished with the demon. " Aw man! Done already?" You whined. That's when you noticed Tanjiro's distressed face while Gyutaro had his normal stoic look with a bit of tiredness. Suddenly Tanjiro's crow landed on his shoulder. "Head to (south side? ) Tokyo now, rumor has it a demon's lurking around there!" The crow cawed. "I have another mission already!?" Tanjiro asked. "Oh yes you do!" The crow answered. "Could you atleast give me a minute?" Tanjiro whined. "No! Start moving, now!" The crow said.


"Her kimono looks so beautiful!" You exclaimed. "Why is it so bright." Gyutaro said, trying to cover his head with his haori. "The big cities have gone a long way!" Tanjiro exclaimed looking burnt out. "It's night time but it's so bright out!" Gyutaro exclaimed. "Yes! But it looks really nice, no?" You said. They both nodded while you continued to excitedly look around. "The buildings are so tall!" You exclaimed. "It's overwhelming." Gyutaro said. You all began walking when suddenly a train started coming down the tracks, you all quickly moved out the way and Tanjiro put his scarf over his head. "This is making me dizzy.." Tanjiro talked. While running around, you all found a dark alleyway. "Let's go this way!" Tanjiro said. And you guys accidentally walked in on two people making out. "S-So sorry!" Tanjiro bowed with a blush and you all quickly ran away. Tanjiro and Gyutaro had a look of horror on their face while Nezuko had a tired look and yet, you still looked excited. Finally after running all of you ended up at ramen shop. "Pardon me sir.." Tanjiro said to the man. "Could we get 3 balls of udon all with grated yam?" Tanjiro ordered for all of you. "Why yes, coming right up." The man answered. You guys sat down on a bench. "I've never been to a town like this before... it's so crowded." Gyutaro said as you smiled. "Agreed, I'm glad it's just for a mission." Tanjiro smiled as Nezuko put her hand on his shoulder. "Here's your 3 bowls of udon with yam." The man said, handing all you your bowls. "Thank you sir." You said grabbing your bowl and instantly began to eat.

You stopped as a horrible sense went pass you, Tanjiro also seemed to have smelt it while Gyutaro sensed it also. You and Tanjiro stood up while Gyutaro stood up also. Tanjiro dropped his bowl while looking around and panting hardly. ' It that scent..that was at the house when everything happened..' You thought. Tanjiro began running off as you handed Gyutaro your bowl and went off after him. "I'll watch Nezuko!" Gyutaro shouted. You made your way out of the alleyway, following Tanjiro still. 'That scent! Why is it here now!?' Tanjiro thought while running and softly pushing people out the way. You pushed people out the way roughly while you accidentally pushed over a child and you apologized real quick before running again. 'Muzan Kibutsuji!' Tanjiro thought. ' It must be that man!' You thought. Tanjiro stopped and grabbed onto a man's shoulder and the man turned around. Your heart skipped a beat as you quickly pulled out your sword. 'It's him, that man..' You thought. "Daddy?" You heard a little girls voice. The man turned around to reveal a little girl with two braids and brown eyes. "Who are they?" She asked as your breath hitched. Tanjiro's eyes widened. "Don't worry sweetie, it's fine." The man answered his "daughter". 'He's living here, posing as a human..' Tanjiro thought, distressed. "I'm sorry, is there something I could do for you?" The male asked. "Are you both alright? You seem a bit flustered." He said. You softly pushed Tanjiro out the way while glaring at the man. "You know what you did! Stop pretending and posin'. You fuckin' idiot!" You yelled. A beautiful woman came up to the man.  "Darling, what's the matter?" She asked. "Don't worry mother." The little girl said. Tanjiro put a hand over his mouth and stomach in disgust. ' Can't they tell!? This guy is a demon!' You thought. " Who are they?" The woman gestured to you both. "I really don't know, I'm just as confused as you are." He answered as you got more agitated. " I've never seen them before. They must've made a mistake, maybe that I'm someone else." The man answered as he slashed a man's neck. The man covered his neck before launching at his wife. "No stop!" Tanjiro exclaimed as he went towards the man and his wife. You went after your brother but that's when you felt a slice across your neck also. You fell to the ground as you looked up at the man and saw him glaring down at you. Tanjiro looked towards as his eyes widened.

Everything went black as you heard Gyutaro's voice.


I haven't updated this in so long, hey :3 . Thank you for 1k reads! I'll put the next chapter out soon :)

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